Chapter Fifteen: Eternal

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Osa was putting out his protective gear for sealing off his feathers first around his neck and tying a scarf around it. He had on a pair of shorts. His shirt, pants, cloak, and bag he shoved into a plastic one, "You're certain we'll find the compound at this, junkyard."

Raven nodded as she scraped the bottom of a bean can to finish it off, "We passed it up on our way to the facility we found you at." She explained before tossing the can at the trash can, "When we find a ship from your people, we try to get it there." Raven laughed a bit, "People can't figure out how to turn them on, so they've just sat gathering dust, but the scientists eat up anything related to you guys, and the pay for the scrap is better then you'd get out of anything else."

Osa had been rummaging through his things in hopes of finding some of his own stash of the fuel, but what little he had wouldn't even be enough to start back up the engine. She hadn't started getting ready herself. Osa kept everything under lock and key, and truthfully gave her limited access to his things, "You have anymore of these cans of food? We could use some on the trip."

He purred before pointing back at the rock door, "In my room." The Irinaut's feathers ruffled, "I'll make sure to get some out of my things before we leave in the morning." Osa's eyes dimmed, "Raven, are you certain you want to do this?"

Raven nodded. She stood up, casually walking over to Osa to see what he was packing. It wasn't unusual to see Osa in just shorts. Being down here he hadn't left in weeks, leaving his things very limited. She found her own eyes wandering. She admired his feathers and the way they fluffed when he was excited or curious. His body was well tone, but scarred from centuries of war. When he asked her the question, she snapped back, "Huh? Y-Yeah."

Osa's eyes brightened. He leaned forward, "Are you alright?" He brought his hand up to her cheek, his feathers ruffled, "I see the blood coming to your face."

Raven's heart skipped a beat. She didn't know what she was feeling. Even with his size the Irinaut was gentle. He had a light touch, and wasn't shy to do so. The woman grabbed his arm before pulling his hand down, and spouting off, "I've seen 'your blood' in your cheeks as well, Osa." Her face was blazing when she spoke up, "I'm sure about helping you, but no hurting my people. Just the infected, deal?"

Osa watched her calmly. A purr rumbled in his chest as his feathers raised. The gold tips giving off their own pulse of light. He didn't respond about his blush, only bringing his hand back to finish packing his things, "I only kill when I have to, Raven. They take the first shot. I'm surviving just like them." He continued looking at his mask and protection, making sure nothing was broken or undone. One crack and he'd end up like the infected.

Raven frowned. She didn't know how to respond to that, "So, if your queen controls the male's why didn't she infect everyone? How did you and others get away Osa?"

"More questions." Osa tied his plastic bag shut, "When she initially became sick we still had queens. It gave us enough time to get away, but it came at the cost of all of them." He sighed, "If she were near earth I wouldn't be able to fight it off. Those of us that got away, never truthfully got away. I see Yok everytime I walk out these doors." Osa looked at the time, "We'll leave in the morning. Just get the rest, and I hope you're ready for an early swim. I'll get you a bag for your clothes and gear so we can attempt to stay dry."

Raven had learned to stop pushing him to much, but the mystery of Osa just seemed to draw her in. At the mention of leaving in the morning, the woman withdrew a bit, "Yeah, not ready for that." She still hadn't gotten the nightmarish scene of being dragged into the blackened waters out of her mind. The woman clasped her hands together, causing Osa to turn his attention back to her, "Weird question but do you have like, somewhere I can shower or wash off before we leave?" She rubbed the shaved side of her head, "These water bottles you have been giving me just isn't doing it."

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