Chapter Thirty-Four: Leak

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Raven laid in the pile of blankets, flat on her back as she rubbed her very pregnant stomach. Osa was already awake, likely sending messages to the two healthy Irinaut's as well. Osa had been in contact with them for quite some time, and they seemed to be nearly finished with their equipment so they could move it. Aside from that, the two had been focused on preparing for the unborn child as much as they could.

The woman sat up a bit before looking down at her stomach. That golden glow ran over her stomach in bright veins. One in particular Raven often found herself tracing her fingers over. It was the babies favorite spot in her stomach, and the glow was in the shape of a crescent moon with thinner lines dancing around it.

She smiled softly, really she was rather excited to have the little one there. Osa and her had been slowly preparing. The Irinaut had been getting baby clothes, and what he could find really. Raven had been forbidden from going out in fear for her and the baby. The woman finally brought herself to stand, and just as she did Osa had came in the room quietly.

He wasn't smiling. In fact he was showing some obvious concern. His feathers were flat to his neck, his pupils completely slit, and he just seemed, off. As he came in, he noticed Raven up moving around. He hummed softly, and his expression almost immediately softened.

Osa approached Raven before gently taking her cheeks in his palms. He leaned down and pressed his forehead to hers. The male's hands glided down her neck and arms before coming to rest on her stomach, "How are you feeling?"

The coal haired woman couldn't help but smile, "My insides, terrible, but my mind feels pretty good. She'll be worth it." Raven had truthfully stayed sick the entire pregnancy thus far. The little one's body temperature was like that of her father's, and it did cause a bit of distress to Raven at times. Eating was her biggest struggle. Though she was finding things that agreed with her, and Osa made certain that she had plenty of it if he could find it. Her current craving was powdered eggs and the rare can of peaches.

His gaze didn't go unnoticed. Raven raised her hand to his cheeks, "Osa what's wrong?" She stroked his cheek with the back of her hand, "I can see it in your eyes. You can't hide it when something is really bothering you."

Osa rubbed over her stomach. He heard what she asked, causing his feathers to slightly raise. "Zio and Fex have an oxygen generating system in their ship."

Raven seemed confused by this statement. Truthfully the Irinaut was good at giving little context at times, "I swear you force me to ask questions." She laughed softly, "I know they have one. They're bringing it here to set it up right? Since somehow your ship is more operational? What's the big deal about that? It's going to help us isn't it?"

Osa hummed softly, even smiling at her comment regarding her questions, "Raven, we don't have enough oxygen to make it until then."

"What do you mean?" Her heart started pounding in her chest, her eye's widened. This really wasn't news she wanted to hear right now.

"It, it means I have to go out and fill our tanks." Osa didn't look happy about this. He hadn't planned on leaving until the birth of the baby. With the little queen being just a matter of weeks, the last thing he wanted was to leave Raven alone right now.

Raven just stared blankly for a moment before unconsciously shaking her head no, "I-I thought you checked the tanks. I thought we were good for three months you said." She found herself holding her stomach now, "Osa the closest place we found with oxygen tanks was a week's walk. Y-you could be gone two weeks." Her eyes swelled with tears. The woman felt a wave of emotions hit her.

Osa hushed her softly before wiping her tears from her cheeks before holding them in his palms, "I made a mistake. Our main tank has been leaking. I'm not sure how long, but I was able to fix it, and there should be plenty there to last you until I get back."

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