Chapter Forty-Four: Fire and Ice

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Zio and Fex sat quietly in the main control room, not really saying a word to one another at first. Zio was agitated with the younger Irinaut more than anything, 'Going out to look for them?' He barked out, 'Why would you do that? I told you to stay here, Fex. That's what Osa would have wanted.'

Fex was wiping off his face mask, that red glow still dancing through him, 'I don't know what you're talking about.' He leaned back in his seat, 'Shouldn't you be working on the engine, something like that?'

Zio hissed, 'You really piss me off. Osa does not want us working he said to rest for now.' The male wiped his palm over face, 'You can not go against my orders. I told you we didn't need to go out for him, that Queen in that room means more than anything. Including my life and yours. They were on their way back. If you go against Osa like that he will have your head. Stop being foolish.'

'Osa this, Osa that, fucking hell,' Fex rubbed his shoulder as he recalled feeling all his bones lock up, 'He nearly did. I saw him with bombs strapped to his body. I went out because you, as much as you want it, can't tell me what to do.' Fex propped his feet up, 'I'm an alpha just like you.'

Zio laughed, even grinning. Which earned a snarl from Fex, but as he felt something grab the back of his chair, he glanced back to see Osa. Both male's immediately stopped fighting, and Zio could only give Fex a cold glare.

Osa's eyes were slit, and glowing brightly. The male walked out in front of the two of them, a growl rumbled in his chest, his teeth all showing, his feathers were slicked down to his neck, and his eyes had the veins running all through his face. This was a side he wouldn't show Raven or Luna. Not by choice, 'Both of you are alpha's, and should respect each other as such.' The male looked towards Fex, 'Though I appreciate the attempted aid, Zio is right. It is your jobs to protect Luna. Not fight and carry on like whelps.'

Fex growled before standing up, 'Fighting?' He scoffed, 'Just him bossing me around. Per usual.' He seemed to do his best not to be affected by Osa's intimidation factor, but he found it difficult knowing what he could do, 'Look, Osa. Things have changed, and I'm going to do my thing, while you do yours, alright? I'll protect the Little Queen, but I'm not being ran by the two of you.'

Osa took a deep breath before closing his eyes, his ears echoing as he listened, 'Fex. All I'm asking for is cooperation. You are correct things have changed, many things, including the birth of our new Queen, my daughter. I will not have foolishness get her or her mother killed. We work together, we respect each other, but if either of you put them at risk, I will kill you both myself.'

Fex seemed to tone it down after that comment. He hummed softly, the glow in his chest had calmed, 'Jeeze, I hope everyone else got that pep talk.' He tossed his mask on the table. While Fex argued, Zio stayed silent, seeming to know better than to cross that line with Osa.

'It goes for anyone, but the two of you have a job, and that is to be royal guards to my daughter. Fex. I understand why you don't enjoy being told what to do. You worked for your title, you still have superiors, including myself and you will respect that. We may not be on home world, but nothing has changed.' Osa sighed heavily, 'I do not wish to fight with either of you, but do not bring your tempers against one another on this ship. Use it for what is waiting outside. You both are skilled alphas. You've proven that getting here and saving them.' Osa's eyes began to soften, his own glow dimmed, 'I actually came out here because I wanted to thank you both. For saving them. Not to argue about your egos.'

Zio grimaced, even placing his hand against his face as Osa said this. Fex, seemed blind sided by the thank you, and even sulked a bit as he felt foolish for just getting upset immediately. Fex and Zio glanced at one another, Fex seeming dumbfounded and Zio just, ready to slap his comrade across the face, 'Royal Osa, it is our blood right to protect the Queen, and I shall do so with honor.' He placed his hand on his chest, 'For the Queen.'

Fex's eyes glowed. The ill tempered male glanced towards the room where Luna was sleeping. He brought his hand to his chest, that glow slowly fading as he calmed and looked at the two of them. As much as he wanted to disobey, it was in his nature to listen to Osa and Zio. Though at times, Fex seemed to manage to fight Zio's own dominant pull.

Osa nodded towards the two of them, 'Great.' He clapped his hands together. That aggressive glare gone, and his feather's had relaxed, 'If you two want to argue, go outside.' He barked out, 'Don't make me split the two of you up. I've read your files. If you can't get along, keep your distance.' He looked around the ship, even grinning, 'I find it odd you two have all this new found space, but somehow managed to end up right in front of each other.' The male rubbed over his face, 'You should work through your differences. The two of you work well together, and it would do you both some good to try to work with one another instead of against, yes?'

Zio knew this. Though, Fex's arrogance often got to him. The male drove him mad with some of hasty decisions, but like Osa he just wanted to be able to get along, 'Osa, we'll do everything we can to protect Luna. Isn't that right, Fex?'

Fex nodded at this comment, even chirping, 'Osa I swear she'll be safe.' He smiled proudly, 'We'll protect her.'

We'll protect her.

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