Chapter Forty-Seven: The Voice of Yok

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How long have I been out here?

William groaned as he sat up. He was in the middle of the road, alone, outside the Sphere.

It had been twelve years since the loss of the Reverberation Rifle, Osa, and the betrayal of Jacques and Sage, the Faction had dishonorably discharged William, only after he gave all the information he had to the professors. Including that Raven was pregnant at the time Osa was in their custody.

William had lost his mind after that. He fell into heavy drinking, and his own obsession with not catching Osa, but killing him, killing all of them. In his mind, if he didn't win, no one would. After an attempted armed robbery of one of artillery rooms, and killing over a dozen people in the process, he was deemed mentally unstable. They had tried to put him in prison, but William had managed to escape before his arrest.

The male adjusted his face mask. It was hard to tell how long he had been out there. He had drowned his pains in what alcohol he could find, and just seemed to be in a constant state of disarray.

The male stood up; stumbling as he coughed heavily. He looked down at his watch, and realized what time it was. William tensed before looking up the sky, "Fuck, oh fuck!" The man didn't even know where he was or how he got there and frantically began to pull out his map to look at it. He coughed as he laid it down and frantically began to look at it as if it would help. The sky was falling dark, and the wails of the infected could be heard, "Shit, shit!" He shoved the map inside his jacket before just standing up and running.,

William wasn't sure where to go, even now he as he ran he wasn't completely coherent. The man just knew that if he didn't get to safety soon, he was as good as dead.

The man stumbled as he ran. When he heard the screeches coming from all around him, he looked around frantically.

As he did, he tripped over a cart, "N-no!" William slammed face first; smashing his face mask right in the concrete. The shattering of glass. The man groaned out. As he sat up and wiped over his mask, panicking when he saw a large crack and a piece of it on the ground, "No, no!" The man looked around frantically, only to see infected climbing out of buildings around him, that red glow emitting from their bodies.

William frantically tore his shirt and began to stuff the crack in his mask, not that it would do much good if he came in contact with the infected spores. He quickly stood up and began to run. At this point he didn't even know to where.

The man ran inside a building, the door slammed into the wall as he just tried to find a place to hide. The wails of infected could be heard behind him, and seemed very well aware that something was outside with them. All William could do was frantically crawl and make his way up the stairs.

His heart was racing as he stumbled up them, and soon came to a room with an open door. Without a second thought, he ran inside the room and closed the door, not even turning around. Instead he grabbed what looked like a dresser next to the door and pulled it in front of it. The man fell to his knees in relief, just wanting to make it through the night.

Though as he rolled back around, all he could do is stare in horror as he saw two infected standing in the room; glaring at him with their hollowed eyes. The walls of the room had the spores growing on them where bodies or waste connected to it laid, the air around them filled with the infection. William breathed heavily as he looked at them, and they stared right back at him. Another door to the bathroom was open, and the only way he could go.

William suddenly jumped towards the door; shoving into the infected. The creatures roared immediately grabbing at him and yanking at his body. One grabbed ahold of his face mask, its finger penetrating the broken glass. The male yelled, "Get off! Get off!" William leaned backwards, and as he did, his mask popped off. He inhaled deeply, the spores on the infected exploding off them, "No, no! Ahh!" One bit down on his shoulder; it's arms wrapped around William's oxygen canister.

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