Chapter Fifty-One: Save the Worlds

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"We've been walking for thirty minutes now Osa. Where is it?" Jacques rolled his shoulders, "I don't know about you guys but I'm thinking we took a wrong turn."

Osa chirped, "This is the way, Jacques. We've walked the entire surface around this area. We'll have to do the same down here."

Fex groaned. The male looked around the area; a low hiss came from him. The Irinaut looked down each tunnel they past for any sign of a ship. While Zio did the same on the opposite side.

Zio crackled before he came to a halt, 'Osa.' He looked down a hall, his eyes brightened, 'Do you see that?' The alpha pointed down the tunnel. An array of lights could be seen dancing inside of a hallway. The male cocked his head to the side before stepping in.

The room was circular, and oddly had a control panel to one of their ships. It was obvious this was a living quarters, but blood splattered the floor, and there were no bodies of sign someone was there now.

Sage looked around, "Well they were here." The looked at the control panel, which had spores and infected spreading from the blood, "They must of been desperate."

Fex looked around the room. He didn't feel right already. Nor did Zio or Fex. Something really felt off about all of this, 'They were here, they aren't now. Can we go? Clearly no crystal to be found.'

Osa glanced over at Fex, 'No, but they have other things we need.' He pointed at the control panel, 'See what circuit boards we can salvage, or if they have any information on what the hell happened here.' The Irinaut looked at the broken down panel, "They must had been attacked."

Sage glanced around the room, "So there were other Irinaut's? Alive? Here?"

Osa grimaced before nodding, "We were too late. They must of got this working long enough to send us a distress message."

Jacques looked at Fex, who was already disassembling the control panel, "Well I don't think we should be waiting around here. No one is here, no point."

Zio hummed loudly. The male glanced at Jacques before chirping. Not that he understood, 'We need the materials for the ship either way.' The pale blue Irinaut pointed at the food, 'Grab what we can take back. It's less we will have to find later.'

Zio glanced around the open area. He was extremely focused; checking each hallway for any sign of life. Though, as he heard something clank in front of him, he stopped, and just glanced back at Osa, 'Did you hear that?'

Osa immediately moved into the pipe Zio had walked into as a low growl came from him, his eyes became slit, and he no longer spoke, simply holding his hand up to silence the group. Though for the Irinaut's, they heard much more.

'Do you hear that?' Zio glanced back at the group, who clearly looked to be in a bit of distress themselves. The clanking of the metal had made the entire group go silent.

Fex's jaw popped. The male brought his hand up to his mask for a moment, 'Yeah, I don't want to, but I do. We need to leave.' A growl rumbled in his chest, 'Something's wrong, Osa.' Fex began to shove the parts into his bag as he stood up. The Irinaut didn't seem like he was happy at all, his vibrant red veins began to flash rapidly. None of the Irinaut's were acting right.

Osa nodded, faint whispers ran through his head to remove his mask, inhale the air, but he didn't. It was the Queen, 'She must have a main host close. We need to leave..' He suddenly turned back to the group, immediately repeating himself out loud, "We need to leave, now!"

Osa, my son..

Osa hissed out. The male brought his hand up to his head as it began to throb, a screech ran through his head. The Irinaut braced the side of the tunnel. The same thing seemed to immediately affect Fex and Zio, as the three fell to their knees.

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