Chapter Ten: Red Dots

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A few days had gone by. At least, Raven thought so. The Irinaut hadn't attempted to leave, nor thought about it from what it seemed. Raven had picked up on some of his routine. The creature had a thing for collecting human artifacts. Which included several televisions, car parts, old DVD consoles, books, and even, some movies. He had tools, human and alien that he used daily to work on the ship, and he didn't stop.

She had noticed he oddly enough played rather old romance movies as well as some old alien movies. It could have very well been just what he had managed to find, but he seemed intrigued by them.

Raven hadn't really done much of anything. He kept her right near him most of the time. Osa didn't like her touching his things, and at times would express it in a roar or a hiss. She hadn't managed to get him to speak since he had said his name, and the sound of the television playing was the only thing keeping her sane. That, and talking to the silent Irinaut.

"How did you even get those down here? All of this actually?" Raven was wearing a rather large black shirt and her jeans. Osa didn't exactly have anything to accommodate her size. Most of his things, being mended to fit himself. The woman stared at him, waiting for him to look at her, but the Irinaut simply gave a hand gesture for her to leave him alone.

The woman rolled her eyes, "You know, if you're going to keep me down here the least you could do is talk." Raven slid down the side of the wall. Osa had placed a chain around her neck. She couldn't really reach anything of danger to him, but never given the chance to out of his sight, it was beginning to trouble her on whether or not she was going to escape or even how. "Look, you have the detonator, you should just let me go."

Osa suddenly shocked himself with the tools he was using. He dropped the tool before letting out a pained groan. The Irinaut looked at Raven, a hum boiled in his throat, "You stay here. Until these are off." Osa's feathers ruffled. Dried, they looked like down feathers. It was usually flat to his neck, but when he became agitated, the would raise.

"Bullshit. You have all this equipment and you can't take those off yourself?" Raven pushed herself off the ground; her arms crossed to her chest, "What do you need all this for anyway? What's an alien going to do with old movies?"

Osa rubbed his palm over his face. Unlike all Irinaut's Raven had met. He was abnormally calm for the most part. The male shook his head. "Not risking it." Osa leaned forward and rested his hands on the table. He shuffled before leaning down towards the dark haired woman, "You don't leave."

Raven scowled. Never in her life did she expect she would be arguing with an alien, "How did you learn how to talk anyway? I didn't think you guys could even speak." She looked at the device he was working on, "What is this even?"

Osa's bass like mouth could be expanding; revealing those shark like teeth, "You ask to many questions." The alien walked over to the pilot's seat before sitting down. He picked up a book, an English dictionary, "I read." He pointed at the television, "I watch." He ignored her question regarding the large round device. It looked as if it clearly took damage, and Osa seemed to be trying to put it back together with human technology.

Her brow raised. Raven pointed at the book, "You've been reading that, and watching these movies? How long have you been here, Osa?" He couldn't had just shown up. It was obvious by his large collection he had been here for some time.

Osa sat quietly as she asked this. He didn't speak, only seeming to ponder the question. The Irinaut's claws dragged the floor as he brought himself in a more upright position, "Long enough." He pointed to a wall, with thousands of little red dots painted on it, even leaning out to put a fresh dot on it with a large red marker.

"Jesus.." Raven's eyes locked on the wall; gazing at the dots covering it. At this point, she felt like getting along was in her best interest. Though, her curiosity was coming out more than anything, and Osa wasn't ignoring her, finally, "Why aren't you with your buddies?"

This just earned a blank stare. Those gold pools just locked on the woman.

Raven tensed, almost feeling like that was the wrong question to ask, "Uhh, I mean-"

"They are lost to Yok. There is no hope for them. Their blood has been tainted with the darkness of a sick queen." Osa let out a soft hum as his fingers ran over the painted wall.

Raven seemed confused. She had always assumed they brought the infection here, "Who's Yok? Tainted? What are you saying?"

"That's enough." Osa looked towards her, "Until thee are off."

"I'm not taking them off." Raven stated again, "You'll just kill me after, right? That's all you need is for those to pop off and then I'm dead, right? No. You let me go, and then I'll take them off you."

Osa actually grinned at this remark. He scoffed a bit. The creature hummed out, his feathers raised as he leaned down, not laying a hand on Raven. That glow returned in his eyes, his leeches pulsing.

Her entire body locked up. The woman's eye's widened. She couldn't open her mouth, she couldn't raise her hands, she couldn't do anything except breathe. Raven's heart began throbbing in her chest as Osa rested his hand on her cheek before gliding behind her neck. Her bottom lip quivered as she wanted to yell out, but all it felt like was a weight in her lungs.

Osa looked down at the ground for a moment, before leaning close to the woman and pressing his forehead to hers, "If I wanted to kill you, you would already be dead."

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