Chapter Forty-Three: Little Queen

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"So they set a trap for you?" Raven was lying down while she watched Osa sway Luna gently back and forth. The little girl had seemed to calm down, and seemed even more content now that Osa was here.

Osa nodded, "They got ahold of some of our weapons. Had I known, I wouldn't have shot." The male purred loudly; gently kissing Luna's forehead as Raven rested her head on his lap.

Raven glanced over at the weapon, "That did this to you? Christ Osa.." She looked towards the room where Sage and Jacques had been sent, "I can't believe Sage of all people would help you." She looked down, "William, it doesn't even sound like the same person anymore."

Osa smiled softly, "If more listened like her, like Jacques, I believe we wouldn't be as deep in this mess as we are now. As for William, it seems the idea of wealth and fame has leaked into his mind and poisoned it." He hummed softly, his feathers ruffled as he placed a hand on Raven's head, "You did so well while I was gone Raven. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, my love." The Irinaut played with her short strands of hair. She hadn't cut it in some time, giving one side an odd look, but she didn't seem to mind, and neither did he.

Raven sat up from his lap before looking at him. She gently stroked the feathers on his neck, observing his wounded Hollows, "They're scarring.." It was strange to see Osa hurt. For the longest time to Raven, he seemed untouchable with his strength, but now seeing him like this, and not healing like before, it scared her, "I can't help thinking what would of happened if I just stayed calm, if I would of just kept my composure maybe she would of-"

Osa laughed, "What? Waited?" The Irinaut shook his head. He looked down at Luna, "Raven you were scared, nothing was going to change that, just like nothing was going to change the fact that she decided she was ready to come now rather then later. All that matters is that we are all here, and everything is alright now." The Irinaut reached up and touched his Hollow's on his head, shrugging it off as if it didn't bother him, "Mmm, that's what happens when you have your own strength blow back at you. They'll heal in time."

Raven listened. Even now she was surprised by how positive Osa tried to stay. He really did want to change the world, but he couldn't do that by himself. The woman looked down at her daughter, smiling softly as he reassured her, "You know, she has your eyes. So big and beautiful, and her cute tail.." The woman gently lifted her tail.

Osa nodded, "Beautiful just like her mother. She looks, near human. No expanded mouth.." The male stroked her head before glancing at her tail, "Cute now, but it's quite the weapon on an adult female, and considered a sign of beauty. She would grow feathers along it eventually with age." He grimaced a bit, "You haven't changed your mind, have you?"

"Osa if she has a chance to blend in then what else do we do? If it gets as big as she is how are we supposed to hide that?" Raven wiped her eyes, clearly she had been crying, "I don't want to mutilate our daughter Osa. S-She's perfect she's everything I thought she would be, b-but we don't have to protect her from just Irinaut's. We have the Faction, other human beings w-who won't listen. She has to have that chance."

Osa whined softly. He wrapped his arm around Raven before pulling her close. He knew she was right. They weren't on his planet. Luna would stick out like a sore thumb with age. Especially with that tail, "We do not need to think about that right now. We'll get it taken care of alright? She'll be fine. We'll keep her safe."

"What about Fex and Zio? Jacques and Sage? Will they protect her?" Raven curled up against him as she gently stroked Luna's face, "This little girl is the only one who can stop this. How do we protect her from, everything? From Yok, the Faction.."

"Fex and Zio are both Alphas. It's their job to protect their Queen even if it means death for either of them." He looked towards their door, "You cannot see it, but it seems Zio's Yeti Inka has imprinted on our daughter. It's sitting outside our door right now. Sage hasn't even seen the child, and Luna is the reason she saved me back there. She has people and beings who love her here, right now. I wouldn't have let any of them in here if I saw different." Osa purred softly, "She will be kept safe. Yok does not know of her. Nor will she as long as no one here gets infected."

The male closed his eyes before resting his head back against the wall, "We'll keep her safe, we'll teach her, we'll prepare her for when the time comes to stop all of this." The male smiled softly, "Besides, she has mine and your blood running through her veins. She is a Queen."

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