Chapter Twenty: Heat

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"Oh man.." Raven looked at the outside of the pod, the door was popped open, most of the solar panels smashed, and from the looks of the outside, it wasn't promising, "Well.."

The Irinaut walked around the pod. It was bolted to the ground, and had even had protective barriers around the panels to attempt damage prevention. He climbed on top of the building, rocks and other random objects had been used to smash the panels. Osa made a crackling noise, a growl rumbles in his chest, "This looks intentional." He leaned over the edge to look at Raven, "Are you certain this is safe?"

"We don't have much of a choice for the night, Osa. Come on." She gestured for him to get down, "We need to go through the sanitation room before it even lets us in. Come on."

Osa grunted. The beast jumped down. He hummed before looking at the broken door, "How's that supposed to work?"

"I'll show you." She gestured for him to follow, "The pod is broken into three sections. See?" When they stepped inside, it was more like a waiting area. Raven let out a sigh of relief.

The Irinaut ducked down to come inside. The male glanced around, "Hmm." He looked at the door before grabbing ahold of it and hoisting it up. The male slammed it shut before giving a nodd, "That should hold." It was already starting to get dark, and they weren't even set up for the evening, "Now what?"

Raven walked over to a control panel before popping it open, "Well, hopefully there is enough power to get us through the night." She flipped a switch, and the lights on the inside came on dimly.

"Emergency Pod activated. Please remove any unnecessary items before starting decontamination chamber and place into designated lockers."

The woman grinned, obviously pleased with her work, "There we go. Here." She pointed into the glass walked to the door. Raven flipped a switch and a door came open, "There we go, it's working." Raven walked inside the chamber, "Come on Osa."

He seemed hesitant but he listened. The male walked into the room and closed the door, "What lockers?"

Raven pointed towards the wall with a washing machine, "Put any clothes you have on in the and grab a towel, but leave the masks on until this turns on. It should tell us when to take them off, but not until it clears the air, and don't look."

Osa cocked his head, "And what will I wear then?" The Irinaut pulled on the slot door. He peeked his head inside before shrugging, not really understanding what she was talking about not looking at, "Look at what? It's just a machine." He pulled off his top and tossed it in, along with his jeans and shorts. The male turned around and grabbed a towel out of the cabinet Raven had to wrap around his waist, but as he turned around he saw her pulling her her pants off and tossing it in a pile before wrapping the towel around her torso.

Raven went back to the door and hit a button.

"Air lock activated. Prepare for decontamination."

Cold showers began to pour on them, the air spraying out became increasingly cold. She squealed, "Holy shit I forgot how cold this is." Without power no doubt the heater wasn't running.

Osa jumped at the freezing water. The male hissed a bit before rubbing his skin, "Could have warned me."

"I didn't realize how cold it was going to be either. It must be because of the panels." Raven held the wet towel to her, "I'm freezing."

After throughly washing, the machine began to beep again.

"Dispose of clothing in washing machines. Items will be returned when sterilized. All material must be left inside decontamination chamber to ensure safety. Clothing availability in third chamber. Dispose of-"

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