Chapter Fifty-Three: Mourning

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Luna sighed; kicking her legs back and forth in the chair as she waited for Raven to wake up. It was early morning, and it wasn't unusual for her to wake up for Raven at times. Though her mother was usually the first one up aside from Osa. Luna was excited for her family to be back. She was looking forward to that more than anything.

She heard a splash from the opening, and her heart leaped. Luna jumped out of her seat before running towards the hole. The yetis were the first to climb in, shaking the water off and hacking as they caught their breath. The girl smiled happily, her eyes wide as the group came in, "You're back! Did you find the others? Can we help them!?" She hopped back and forth on her toes as she eagerly waited for Osa to cross the line, but the group was silent. As Luna looked at the group, she realized they were oddly quiet. Her smile faded, and Luna immediately picked up on something being wrong, "Papa what's wrong?" The young girl looked at the group, realizing Jacques was missing, "Where's Uncle Jacques?"

Osa glanced over at Sage, who was clearly upset herself. The woman just looked down at her boots as she untied them, "He's gone, Luna." She said quietly.

As she spoke, Raven walked in, seeming half asleep but happy to see them. The woman gently took hold of Osa's hand as she gave him a concerned look. Jacques wasn't anywhere to be seen, and all she had heard was he was gone.

Luna's expression changed almost immediately. The girl shook her head, "H-he didn't come back with you? Is he still looking for something?" Though she said this, Luna genuinely had a sinking feeling in her chest.

"He's dead, Luna." Sage threw her mask into the wall, "He's fucking dead! Because of all this bullshit!" The woman stood up, and as she did, Fex and Zio did the same. Though even after her spurt, she started walking towards her and Jacques room, the door closing not far behind her.

Zio stepped in front of Luna, and Fex immediately took to the front of them as Jewel barreled past them. The two male's just glared at her as her temper flared. Though the entire group understood she was upset, they weren't letting her take it out on Luna. Both showing teeth and eyes slit. The alphas were extremely protective.

Luna had jumped as Fex and Zio had moved in front of her so quickly. She looked up at the two of them, and back at Sage as she stormed off. The young girl looked at the ground. She had never experienced loss before, and knowing that Jacques was just gone made her feel strange. Luna looked at Osa, and her father immediately looked back at her.

Osa gave her a tired smile before opening his arms up to her, "Come here." Luna didn't hesitate to run into Osa's arms and cling to her father.

Raven had left out a soft gasp and covered her mouth at Sage's comment about Jacques. The woman couldn't believe what she was hearing. She didn't know what to say, especially in front of Luna.

As much as she wanted to ask, she just hugged Osa and their daughter tightly. Though as her and Osa looked into one another's eyes, Raven knew immediately he was reading her, 'Christ what happened out there, Osa?' That's all that ran through her mind. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, and seeing Sage so distraught, the woman didn't know what to do aside from giving her space.

Luna rested her head against Osa, letting out a soft sigh as she held on to him. She glanced over at Fex and Zio, who had calmed once Sage had ended up going to her room.

Osa didn't offer for a moment to let go of his girls, seeming relieved to see them himself. He looked at Raven before he grimaced. The male crouched down to Luna, "Luna, I need to speak with your mother. Privately."

The girl's jaw dropped, "You just got back, papa." Luna looked at Raven, "I'm old enough to hear about what's going on. I can know too can't I?" She didn't really want to be alone.

Raven looked down at Luna, "Luna, sweetheart." She placed her hand on her shoulder, "We won't be long. There are just some things we don't want you to hear."

Luna sighed before looking down, "You guys hardly tell me anything.."

Osa hummed, his feathers flat against his neck, his brows raised. He crouched down in front of Luna before taking both her arms and gently grasping them, "I will tell you what. After I am done speaking with your mother and the others, you and I can sit down, and I will answer any questions you have if they are within reach. How is that?" He placed his hand on her cheek, "You are growing, and have to learn about things at some point, yes?"

This earned a weak smile from Luna. The preteen nodded her head before reaching over and hugging Osa tightly. She leaned back before pointing towards the television, "I can put on your favorite movie! Mom said she was going to make pancakes this morning."

Raven smiled softly, "And I will. Now go on." The woman gestured for Luna to go into the other room, and the smile almost immediately faded as their daughter made her way into the other room. Jacques's death was weighing heavy in her heart, "What happened, Osa?"

Fex and Zio just glanced at one another and back at Osa as her demeanor instantly changed. The two Irinaut's simply cleaned up their gear. Fex giving more of a cold shoulder than anything.

Osa closed the door as Luna walked through. The male looked back at Raven before letting out a deep sigh, "Queen Yok knows about Luna." He rubbed the back of his head, "She knows that she is on this planet."

Raven's expression went blank. She immediately started to panic, "Did she infected Jacques? Does she know where we are? Oh my god.."

Osa took Raven's hands, "Raven, our location is safe. Jacques, he died before she could obtain his memories. She got them from William."

"William..?" The woman brought her hand to her mouth before wiping over it. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Raven glanced back up at Osa, "What about the others? D-Did she set you up?"

The male shook his head, "No. I believe it was an active transmission." Osa leaned back against the wall, "She must be searching everywhere for us. Most likely came across them, and wiped them out looking for more information on Luna. It took everything they had to send that message, and now Jacques is dead, Sage hates me.." He groaned, "I do not know what to do now."

Zio hummed softly. The male could see how bothered the group was. Fex wasn't saying much. Which, wasn't a surprise after Osa had thrown a punch, 'Osa, none of this could had been predicted. We will find others. It will just take time yes?' He whined softly, 'What happened to Jacques, it was terrible, but he knew what he was getting into we he came here to fight the cause.'

Raven rested her head against Osa before hugging him. She watched as Fex rolled his eyes before walking into the other room with Luna without a single word. The woman saw his lip was busted, but thought it best not to ask. She looked up at her mate, "Osa, come on, let's get you all something to eat."

Osa looked at Zio and only nodded before looking down, 'He wasn't just a soldier, he was family.' The male let out a tired sigh as Fex walked past them. He didn't have much to say to the other alpha; feeling he made his point. As Raven asked if he was hungry, the male gave a soft nod of his head. He wasn't hungry, but he wasn't going to worry Raven, "That sounds like a good plan, my love."

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