Chapter Twenty-Five: Blossoming Love

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"Ah, don't touch that.." Osa groaned as Raven picked up a full vial of fuel. His feathers raised on his neck as he took it back from her and gently set it down back in the case, "We'll take them out when I get the compartments open. I just need to finish a few things first." The two had gotten back just a few hours prior. Both were tired, and soaked, "I just needed to make sure they didn't get wet."

Raven jumped as Osa removed the vial from her hands, earning him a glare. The woman looked at her clothes, "I figured you'd hook them up now why wait?" She sat down in the floor before leaning back against the wall. Oddly enough she felt safe down beneath the water in the ship. Being back, she knew nothing was going to break in or attack them.

"Because I want to be prepared when I send out another signal, and I'm not. There's no reason to use this fuel until I absolutely have to." He pulled out the half vial before taking it over and putting it in the slot, "This though, we can certainly use." He purred softly as the entire ship lit up. Doors that had never opened had a purple glow dancing around them. The Irinaut nodded his head in approval, "It will be much easier to open doors now at least. We can manage that." The Irinaut pulled on his cloak before unclipping it and tossing it at a pile of wet clothes, "I'm going to go wash this stench off me. Your cold shower wasn't quite nice."

Raven understood. She figured he was being cautious, but when he grabbed out the half vial and hooked it up, she was surprised to see the entire ship just come to life, "Why do you need those doors? I've never seen you use them." The woman watched him unhook his cloak. He seemed tired but restless all the same, "A bath? I could use one after you. Just, might need to tie a rope in there for me her something." Raven scrunched her nose at the mention of the cold shower, "I told you it's not supposed to be that cold."

Osa smiled, laughing a bit at her comment, "Mm, behind those doors are comforts I haven't seen in person in quite some time. Things we installed to help with long journeys. I'll have to show you." At the mention of needing a bath herself, the Irinaut gave a soft gesture with his head, a murr rumbled in his chest, "Why don't you come with me?"

"Come with you?" Raven's face blazed, but as she looked up at Osa she saw his was the same. Only instead of a flushed red, his cheeks burned with the gold hue, "What, take a bath together?"

Osa shrugged before pulling on his t-shirt's collar, "Yes, with me." The Irinaut rubbed over the Hollows on his head, "Otherwise I'm going to by myself." He shrugged his shoulders. The Irinaut found himself being rather awkward himself. The male headed towards his room before clicking the door open, "You're welcome to follow."

Once inside his room, the male stretched out his arms. Osa himself was relieved to be back home himself. The male opened the door to the bathroom before removing his top and jeans before tossing them to the side. He sighed before sitting down and putting his legs in the water. Osa braced his hands on the sides before sliding inside and taking a deep breath and diving under.

The male kicked his legs downward, just going before he stopped and turned himself upright. He breathed deeply through his gills before opening his eyes and looking around in the warm star like waters. Osa found himself just relaxing in the depths as he watched the star like twinkles dance around him. Truly, he felt like he was back within the stars.

After a few minutes, he came back up. Osa wiped his hands over his face to get the water off before hearing his name.


The Irinaut glanced up; seeing Raven holding a towel around her frame. His golden eyes brightened as he cocked his head to the side, "Did you change your mind?"

"I just, this thing creeps me out." Raven turned her gaze off to the side before closing her eyes, "Besides I'm tired and I don't want to get lost in your bathtub." The woman sat down on the edge of the bath in front of Osa, her feet in the water, "You just can't let me sink alright?"

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