Chapter Twenty-Seven: Message Sent

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Raven wasn't surprised to wake up to Osa still asleep next to her. She shivered a bit before sliding herself up against him. The woman's leg wrapped over his waist before she rested her head against his arm. After that night, her lower extremities were still a bit sore. Even so, Osa had tended to her the entire time, being as gentle as he really could be. Even if his own excitement seemed to catch him at times. Her hips and sides had a few red lines running down them. No doubt from Osa's claws.

The woman truthfully hadn't known what he meant by locking, but it was so passionate and special. Raven knew there was always the possibility of getting pregnant, and that part she wondered about. If it really were possible to interbreed with a Irinaut, she was sure she would find out soon enough. Even after the male had finished, he just held her there and continued gentle thrusts as he kissed her where he could reach. Raven's face blazed a crimson red at the thought of their night; finding herself hiding in the Irinaut's shoulder as he slept.

Osa roused a bit as Raven shifted in the bed. His hands rested behind his head. Though, as he felt his partner moving up next to him, the Irinaut wrapped his arm down around her shoulder before pulling her frame against his own, a deep purr boiled in his chest, "Good morning." He leaned forward and pressed his lips to her forehead, "Did you sleep well?" He rubbed his palm up and down her back, "Do you feel okay?" He brought his other hand down to hold her thigh; giving it a soft squeeze.

As she felt his arm wrap around her, Raven found herself curling up closer to him. Truthfully she didn't want to move, "I did, even though I don't think we slept much." She rubbed her eyes with her palm before hugging his frame, "I'm sore, but other than that I'm fine." The woman rubbed his side.

"Good, you slept some." The Irinaut laid his head back before looking at the ceiling. His cheeks glistened softly as she mentioned being sore. The male held her close, "Hopefully it doesn't hurt you next time." Osa's feathers ruffled, his slit pupils were larger then usually, likely the dim light, "As much as I'd like to rest here all day with you, Raven. I need to get that message sent out." The male grabbed her chin before pulling her in and kissing her softly, "You're welcome to come watch if you like." The male nuzzled her nose before bringing himself up from the bed. His feathers rested against his neck before getting up and heading into the control room.

Raven whined as he got up. She wasn't ready for him to leave, but she knew he was working towards getting in touch with his people. She returned the kiss before he got up, "I'll be in soon. I'm going to actually wash off and then I'll come in and see what you're up to." As he left the room, the room brought herself up, her legs shaking a bit. When she glanced down between she noticed dried blood. It didn't surprise her being her first time, and she was ready to wash off herself.


After washing off and finding a shirt, Raven threw it on and made her way into the main control room, where Osa was clearly typing something out. She approached him before peeking around his shoulder, "Hey, what are typing out there?" The woman didn't recognize a single thing on his keyboard, or what it even said, "You trying to get ahold of them now?"

Osa's feathers ruffled as he heard Raven's footsteps along the floor. The male turned his head to the side before glancing at her for a moment, "Yes. With the fuel, I actually have the ability to give them a more detailed message. With luck, someone is out there with a working ship and communication system. It would make leaving much easier." The male hummed softly, "Go back home and finish it where it started."

"How will you? Without a queen?" Raven took a seat next to him as he typed.

Osa shook his head, "I'm hopeful that one has been born already, but we can't say for sure. Without an Irinaut female that carries the gene I'm certain it's proven difficult." He cocked his head to the side  as he looked over some papers.

"Could, could we have a Queen?" Truthfully Raven was curious. Especially after the night they had, "Is it possible?"

Osa smiled softly. His feathers raised as his face turned a soft gold, "Mmm, we could. My mother was of Queen blood and I carry the gene. He pointed at his gold eyes, "Rather strongly." The male chuckled softly, "Unfortunately where you're human it would make it much more difficult."  He suddenly clicked a button and opened up a screen that showed his face, "But we won't know until you are pregnant, will we?" He rolled his shoulders before hitting a button and looking at the screen. He began to speak in another language, one that Raven really couldn't understand. He held up papers, pointed at things, and in general just seemed to be giving as much detail as he could before finally hitting send. The male leaned back against his chair, "There, now we wait."

"What did you tell them?" Raven rested her head on her palm as he gathered his information back together.

"That I'm for the most part stranded, I asked for any information on possible queens, gave them my location, and requested a ship rather than get this one back up and working." Osa sighed, "As much as I want to get this one back up, I'm not certain I'll be able to without more parts." He crackled, his eyes brightened, "If only we would have gotten more than just the fuel from that wreckage."

Raven listened, "Well, maybe they'll get back to us soon and we'll be able to get out of here, right?" She smiled softly, "And if I do end up pregnant, then, well, we'll go from there." Raven shrugged. She acted nonchalantly about it, but inside the idea of having a child in this mess scared her. Granted, she was born into it as many others were, and she'd just do what she could to make the best of it. The mention of the wreckage made her sigh, "If we can go back, or even find another longer route to get there maybe we could go through other ships. I mean the place is huge."

Osa thought to himself for a moment, his eyes dimmed softly, "Hopefully, yes." He reached over and rubbed her cheek with his palm, "Until then, it's just you and me."

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