Chapter Thirty-Five: Surprise

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Osa dragged his feet against the ground; groaning as he carried the tanks on a bar over his shoulders. He was exhausted, and never had to go this far for them before. Even with limiting sleep, breaks, and hardly stopping, it still took Osa over seven days to get there. Longer than he was hoping. The infected were thick, and traveling of the night was near impossible, but even so, he did. One thing he hadn't included in the factor for Raven, was that if he did stop to rest for to long or slept fully through the night, it would of taken him two weeks to get there.

The Irinaut pulled the tanks up to the shade before taking a seat himself in front of what looked to be an old market. The male breathed heavily. His ears were ringing, and he was just, exhausted. All he could do was think about Raven and the baby. He didn't have any way to really contact her, and the further he had gotten the less he felt the presence of the unborn queen, his daughter, and he hated it.

Osa looked over his tanks. He had been walking for three nights and two days back home, and he was exhausted. The male pulled out a rag before wiping over his face mask. He turned his attention down the road before taking a deep breath, 'There has to be a better way to transport these tanks.' Osa thought to himself.

He grunted as he stood up. He looked around the area before noticing a metal cart full of dried, rotten apples. The male cocked his head to the side before approaching it. He crouched down next to it; observing the wheels, and finally pulling it out. The male hummed softly as he knocked over the cart and watched the apples roll.

Osa followed them. Really, just seeming intrigued but the dried fruit. He picked up a few, only to crush them into bits, but it was the seeds he was after. The Irinaut purred softly before shoving several in his bag after crushing the soft shells.

Though as he heard a can roll. The male stood up and looked around. He held out his hand, that golden light glowing from his finger tips. Osa took a deep breath before looking at his tanks. The male grabbed them, and hoisted them into the cart. He was hopeful this would get them to Zio and Fex's arrival at the very least. Part of him regretted not getting a working filter out of the ship yard during their visit there, but he was more interested in protecting Raven.

The male didn't feel right. As he walked down the road, he couldn't help but feel like he was being followed. Of course he was tired, and it could be his lack of sleep finally getting to him.

Just a little further. Then I can rest again.

Osa had started pushing the cart. Truthfully it helped even if he was way too big for it. The Irinaut didn't want to risk them falling, and seemed to watch for anything it could hit and knock them over. His shoulders ached, his legs were tired, but he couldn't bring himself to stop.

I'm almost there Raven..


"Fuckin' hell Jacques you almost gave us away." Bruno glared at the male, "You can't watch your step?"

"I'm fucking tired. We haven't been able to get a shot on him for days and he won't stop moving. Why the fuck doesn't it rest?" Jacques rubbed his face. All the while Sage and William were loading the tranquilizer guns.

"I know you're tired, so are we, but we couldn't risk hitting those tanks we needed a clear shot. A few, actually." William wiped his mask, "We need to accept the fact it isn't going to stop moving, and maybe this is the best place to take a shot as much as I hate saying that." The male looked at his clip before shoving it in, "He's not getting away from me this time."

"Christ William what's gotten into you?" Sage tilted her head as she watched the man frantically loading the gun and preparing.

Bruno, just stared. The man rolled his eyes, "You fuckers eva' actually catch one of 'em?" He spoke quietly, but was clearly agitated.

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