Chapter Forty-Two: Home

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"Shhhh, it's alright." Raven rocked the baby back and forth. She rubbed her face tiredly before looking towards the opening to the outside. Though the water didn't move. Zio had been helping Raven where he could, but the woman was so protective of the baby, she didn't let her out of her sight for a moment.

The dark haired woman walked over to the oxygen tanks; staring at the marks on it Osa had made to indicate when he would be home, but he still hadn't came home. She sighed softly before glancing over at Zio. Fex had been gone for some time now. What she did pick up from what they told her, he was going to look for Osa.

Zio had stayed behind to take care of Raven and the baby when she would allow it. Zio hadn't touched much in the ship. Mainly because Osa had access shut off completely to everyone aside from him. Raven had more access than the alpha. The Irinaut watched her rock the baby in her arms as she cried. The male's ears were ringing, and it was obvious the sound was beginning to go through him, 'Raven is there something I can do?' The male approached the two of them, even holding out his hands to aid the woman, 'Do you really think I would hurt her?'

When Zio made those chirps and barks, Raven only groaned, "Zio, I can handle it." Though she didn't know what he was saying, the two had gotten quite good at body gestures. Raven sighed softly before looking at the television. She walked over before picking up 'The Last Unicorn' and looking at the case. She sniffled, her eyes swelled with tears, but soon she just found herself clicking a button, and starting the movie.

The baby, who Raven had strictly been calling Little Moon since her birth, had been quite upset for hours. Oddly enough, as she began to play the movie, the music seemed to calm her down, earning tired whines and coos.

The mother let out a sigh of relief as the baby calmed. She walked over to the pile of blankets Osa had made in front of the television before sitting down on them. It didn't take long before she was lying down with the baby pulled close to her chest swaddled in one of Osa's shirts.

Zio watched the two of them. As much as he wanted to help, he knew that Raven wasn't going to crack to easily. Only a few words he could actually make out they she said, and one for certain he picked up on quite often, was Osa. The male sighed heavily before sitting down a few feet away from them. Even now he was being protective. The Irinaut would check on the two of them often. He didn't really know what to do aside from stand guard.

Zio's thoughts were racing. He hadn't been without Fex in some time. The two had been assigned to the same mission. There had been others, but they were the only two that were left. Sane. That is.

The male purred as he glanced over at Raven and the newborn queen. Both had fallen asleep, and the Irinaut found himself pulling a blanket over them while the television played. He and Raven couldn't really communicate, and he found that difficult. Especially when he was trying to fix things in the ship. Oxygen was no longer an issue, but now waiting for Osa and Fex to return was their next goal.

Zio couldn't help but groan as the movie played. Raven had been playing this movie for quite some time, and he didn't understand why, 'I really need to work on the human languages..' But before now, it wasn't exactly something he had needed to do. Raven was the first human he had met that didn't want to blow him to bits, but she was still cautious. Especially with the baby. He brought himself up from the floor before making his way to main controls and sitting down, 'Osa, where did you go?'


"Stop the truck! Stop!" The Irinaut yelled out as they came up to an old tunnel. Osa jumped down from the back of the truck. It was early morning, and they had been driving for quite some time now. The Irinaut's heart was racing. They were so close to home, and Raven and the baby were right through the tunnels. He purred loudly as he walked around to the drivers side to look at Jacques, "We are here. Move your motor vehicle up into the tunnel where it will be hidden.

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