Chapter Fifty-Five: Only One?

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Osa and Raven were finally able to get some time alone. It was late, and she was sound asleep in her own room with Inka. They had quickly resumed where they had left off prior, seeming to both be craving one another's touch. Clothes scattered the floor, and the two had ended up in Osa's bathroom.

Raven was lying on her side in the soaked floor, steam rising around them, and Osa's golden glow from his chest easily lighting the room. She had her leg wrapped over top of Osa's hip and across his lower back; their bare skin pressed firmly against one another's. Their bodies dripped wet with water. The woman's long black hair came down to her rear. She hadn't cut it in some time. Really, just to even out the side with the rest of her hair.

Osa's face was buried in the woman's neck. The male breathed deeply as his long blackened tongue glided over her neck. He purred deeply. His smooth hands rubbed up her thigh. Osa was on his side was well facing his mate. He lifted his head for a moment, a soft smile on his blushed face. His hand glided up her side before stopping and resting on her cheek, "You are so beautiful."

Raven had her eyes closed as Osa's tongue glided against her body, followed by tender kisses and deep purrs. As he stopped, the woman opened her eyes. As his hand came up to her cheek and he spoke, all she could do was smile back at him. She brought her own hand up to his cheek before holding his as well. Her thumb glided over his glowing cheek, "Oh stop it."

He cocked his head to the side, that grin exposing his rows of teeth, "Stop what? I tell the truth, you know this, yes?" He hummed softly as he glided his hand up and down her side before letting it come to rest on her upper thigh. Osa's expression changed for a moment as he clearly seemed to be thinking about something, "Raven, can I ask you something?"

She laughed softly, "I suppose so." Her eyes were still locked on his as he spoke, a soft smile still on her lips. She noticed the change in his expression as he stopping rubbing her side, "Hmm? Now that's an odd question itself." Raven perched herself on one of her hands; using her elbow to brace herself, "What is it, Osa?"

The male glanced off for a moment, "Luna is so lonely by herself, and we've spoken about more children before."

Raven's eyes widened as her expression almost instantly changed, knowing he would know her thoughts on it immediately. They had spoken about it prior, but Raven often pushed off the subject. Though, Osa had expressed several times he wanted more children. Raven had been well aware for quite some time, "Osa, I," She tensed. Giving birth to Luna the way she had was traumatizing, and the idea of bringing another child into this world with how dangerous it was for them, it scared her, "Do we really need to talk about this now?"

Osa's own smile faded. He seemed more saddened than anything. Especially seeing his partner tense the way she did. The male's eyes dimmed, "I would like to, yes." The male tilted his head to the side, "You do not wish for more, do you?" The male sat up, his feathers were flat to his neck, "Why can't you just say it?" He spoke calmly, but it was clear he was upset about this.

Raven followed suit. She grabbed her towel before wrapping it around herself. The woman shook her head. Her heart was racing, and a million things ran through her head, "Osa, you why do you want me to talk about it? You already know. Why should I say it now?" Raven's voice quivered as she did everything to hold herself together.

"Darling, I cannot base your thoughts off your decisions. At least, not all of them." Osa hummed softly, "What you think, and what you choose to do are two completely different things. If I were to base things off a single thought of any individual, I believe things would be much more difficult for me." He rolled his shoulders, "I refuse to accept it until you say it." The male stood up. He and Raven were facing one another, and his expression was just, blank. It was hard to tell what he was feeling right now.

Raven look up at him, her eyes swelled with tears as she clung to her towel, "You want me to say it Osa?" Her voice cracked, "Yok knows about our daughter. She knows about you, and everyone else. The Faction knows about our daughter. She is being hunted. WE are being hunted." Her voice cracked, "Luna is a blessing. I'd never change anything about having her, but I can't bring another baby into this world knowing that nearly everything on this planet will want another one of our children dead if it's another queen!"

Osa listened, his expression didn't falter as she spoke. He knew everything she said was true, but he had his own thoughts on it as well. The two just stared at each other for a moment as Osa attempted to compose himself, "Raven, bringing life into the world is scary. I know what happened when Luna was born-"

"Osa don't." Raven crossed her arms before glancing off from him.

Osa let out a low growl before leaning down and gently grabbing her chin, "I know it was frightening, I know nothing went to plan and you're afraid of it happening again."

She gasped out as he grabbed her chin. The growl had taken her by surprise. It wasn't often he got frustrated with Raven. "Osa I said stop.." Raven shut her eyes tightly.

The Irinaut hummed, "Life is a special thing, Raven." His eyes were dimmed, "Even in this damned world without life, you and I have built something amazing here, and we will leave this place to get to home world. It will not always be like this." His own heart was aching. He could tell she was hurting, and it clearly caused panic in Osa.

Raven pulled away from Osa's hand, "That doesn't change anything now. It is like this now. Osa I love you, y-you know that. I just, I'm sorry. I don't think I could do it again." The woman moved into the other room quite suddenly before grabbing her clothes and throwing them on.

Osa didn't even make an effort to move out of the other room. In fact it felt like he couldn't even move as Raven pulled away from him, his hand still hanging in the air. The male brought his hands down to his sides, his feathers raised for a moment before he rubbed his palm over his chest.

The Irinaut finally walked out of the bathroom. The male saw Raven was already lying in their bed with blankets over her head. He hummed softly before lying down next to her, but he left space between them.

Raven had positioned herself on the edge. She had her eyes shut tightly as Osa came inside the room. Even then she knew he was well aware of when she was asleep or awake. She wiped her cheeks as she did her best to just not think. Osa's skill was both a blessing and a curse at times.

Osa watched Raven for a moment. He reached his hand out before placing it around her waist and pulling her back into him. The male held her close to his frame. Osa hadn't said a word since he came into the room. The Irinaut purred softly; not offering to go any further, "I love you, Raven, and I respect your decision." Though he did end up leaning down and gently kissing her neck, "but I'll be damned if you pull away from me like that." He just held her close to him. The male had always been extremely affectionate after their love kindled.

"Gah!" She gasped out as he pulled her back into him, "Osa.." Raven brought her hand down to hold his. She cracked a soft smile before pulling his hand to her lips and gently kissing the top of it. Hearing Osa say this brought relief in its own. Unlike him, she couldn't read his mind, "Thank you for that." She couldn't help as the moan escaped her when his lips met her neck. As he mentioned her pulling away, her face began to blaze. Raven never declined his touch, and that was the first time she had ever forced herself away from him, "Okay, okay." The woman gently rubbed up and down his arm as she held it against her chest, "And I love you, Osa."

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