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we woke up and got ready for today.

i drove us to the golf place near trafford centre and parked up.

"can we not just do the mini golf course" i asked for the millionth time.

"no soph, that's not even proper golf" she said.

"what if we do that and then do your golf" i suggested.

"fine" she sighed.

we went in and paid and then went to the mini golf course. we did all the holes and as expected leah was way better than me.

"the hole is literally right there, how are you missing that" leah teased.
"shush miss golf expert" i joked.

after we finished the course, leah obviously won. we went and did the "proper golf" as leah likes to call it.

leah showed me how to do it. i'll be honest, i was paying less attention on how to do it and more to her face of concentration. she looks so sexy when she makes that face.

"are you even paying attention soph" leah asked. 

"yeah yeah" i said.

i stepped forward and hit the ball. it didn't go very far.

"looks like you weren't paying attention" leah teased. she came closer to me and showed me how to do it. she moved my hands and hit the ball, sending it flying.

"see i'm a pro" i said.

"right now do it without my help" leah said.

i did it again and it went pretty far. not as far as the other one but still progress.

we hit some more balls and then we left.

we got back home and then decided made lunch. it was a pretty late lunch. i made us both sandwiches and we sat and ate them.

after that we went to the park. we took a football with us and hit long passes to each other. it was quite cold so we went back home. it was also getting dark quickly.

we got into our pyjamas and got a blanket and sat on the sofa. we put on a movie and watched. i got up and made us both hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows.

i ended up falling asleep on leah on the sofa.

leah's pov

we were sat on the sofa watching a movie. i looked down and saw sophia asleep on my chest. i felt a buzzing feeling inside me.

i like sophia.

i think i've known for a while, i've just been scared to say anything. i don't want to ruin our friendship and i don't want to make things awkward between us.

i was kind of happy when she asked me to step in as her 'girlfriend'. i don't know why, because it's not real.

i don't know, it feels kind of real to me. or i just really want it to be real. it feels so nice. i don't want this feeling to end.

linda came home and walked in. she saw sophia asleep on me and smiled.

"have a good day at work linda?" i asked her.

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