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i was in hospital for the next few days. not much changed but i was slowly progressing. lotte went back to london 2 days ago but leah stayed.

i could now sit up and walk around the room without it hurting too bad.

"ugh i just want to go home. i need my own bed. i need to use my own toilet for gods sake" i groaned.

everyone is here. i'm getting my stitches out later today.

one of the nurses came in.

"hey sophia. how are you doing today?" she asked.

"i'm fine. i'm just so bored. when can i go home?" i asked.

"if all goes well, you only need to stay one more night" she said.

"well let's hope everything goes well then" i said.

"eager to get away from us, it's not that bad in here" she laughed.

"i just don't have anything to do here. i need to be back on the pitch" i said.

"you shouldn't start playing football right away. you'll have to wait a few weeks, maybe a couple of months" she said.

i groaned loudly.

"you need to heal completely" she said.

"try think in a positive way. you could do some of the things that you've really wanted to but haven't because you've had training or a match" leah said.

"yeah but i'd rather just be playing football. it's all i know. it's my life" i said.

"i know darling" she said, patting my hand.

another nurse came in.

"we're ready for you now" she said.

"finally" i sighed.

i was taken back into a surgery room.

they took out the stitches and put on a new bandage. then they took me back to my room.

only ollie was there.

"hi soph, how did it go?" he asked.

"great" i said, putting my thumbs up.

"where did everyone go?" i asked.

"to get food, what do you want?" he asked.

"erm kfc" i said.

"tell me your order so i can text dad" he said.

"i'm not that hungry so just a popcorn chicken and pepsi please" i said.

he nodded and texted my dad.

"so how are you and leah?" he asked.

"we're okay. back on the right track. i really missed her. i'm glad she came back. we just don't want to jump straight back where we were. we want to take things slowly and enjoy every moment." i said.

"that's good, are you guys together or not yet?" he asked.

"not yet officially i think but maybe soon" i said

they came with food a while later.

we all sat and ate it.

i chatted with everyone and then they left for the night. leah stayed with me tonight after arguing with my mum about who should stay.

i got myself dressed and ready for bed.

"leah can you sleep here" i asked, pulling back the duvet.

"you sure?" she asked.

"positive" i said.

she came into the bed and lay herself beside me.

"your so warm. i'm literally freezing" i said. i shuffled closer to her and put my head on her chest. i felt her heart rate increase.

"you okay le?" i asked.

"mhm" she wrapped her arms around me and kissed my head.

"soph?" she said, checking if i was still awake.

"hmm" i let her know i was.

"when your allowed home, do you want to move back in with me, so i can take care of you?" she asked.

"is that the only reason?" i teased.

"and because i can't sleep without you. the house is so empty. i feel so lonely without you." she said.

"i would love to move back in with you le" i said.

"i love you darling" she said.

"i love you baby, goodnight" i said.

"night" she said.

the next day my family arrived early.

i woke up and saw them all sitting, waiting for me to get up. i noticed that leah was still asleep with her arms around me. i kept my head at her chest and spoke to my family.

around 10am, the nurse came in.

"sophia, we need to see the wound and we can tell you if your okay to go home" she said.

i sat up from leah's chest.

"leah you need to wake up" i said.

"leah" i said, stroking over her cheeks.

i pressed my lips against hers and then pulled away.

"morning baby" i said as she opened her eyes.

"morning my love" she said, stretching and yawning.

"they just need to check me and then we can go home" i said.

she got out of bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

they opened my bandages and checked the wound. there was no infection or anything.

"okay sophia, you are free to go whenever your ready. you just have to sign out at the desk" she said.

"thank you" i said.

i got myself ready and made sure i had everything.

we signed out at the front desk and then we went home.

my mum opened the door and let everyone in.

i sat down on the sofa and put on the tv.

leah sat beside me. i put my head on her shoulder and held her hand.

"when do you want to to back to london?" leah asked.

"tomorrow maybe" i said.

"i might come with you and get ollie to bring my car. if that's okay" i said.

"yeah that's fine by me" she said.

"ollie" i called.

"yeah?" he came into the room.

"can you drive my car back to london? i want to go with leah tomorrow" i asked him.

"i have work tomorrow so i can't then. i can bring it the day after if you want" he offered.

"yeah that's fine. thanks ol" i said.

"no problem" he nodded and left.

we ate lunch a while later. it was just some sandwiches and fruit.

we chilled and watched a movie.

after dinner, we went up to bed.

i got in my pyjamas and got into bed. leah had a shower before joining me.

she slid in beside me and kissed my cheek.

i put my head in the crook of her neck and put my arm around her.

she wrapped her arms around me.

"goodnight gorgeous" she said.

"goodnight baby" i mumbled into her neck.

i left a few pecks and we went to sleep.

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