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a few days later, lily planned for her friends to come over. dylan couldn't come because he had basketball but daisy and ally came over.

lilys pov
we sat on the sofa and nobody was home yet. they went out to do some shopping. the girls were playing with simba and we were just chatting.

"what's it like with your mums being super famous" daisy asked.

"i wouldn't say super famous. plus nobody really knows that they're my mums" i said.

"how come you call them leah and sophia not mum" ally asked.

"umm because sophia is my cousin and i don't know it just kind of feels weird to say that. they're not even that much older than me anyway." i said.

"fair enough" ally said.

a while later, leah and sophia got back.

they put some shopping away and i kept catching daisy staring.

"i don't know who i'm more jealous of, leah or sophia" daisy said quietly.

"daisy!" i half shouted. "stop hitting on my mums"

both of them laughed.

leah's pov
"see what i mean" i said laughing.

"yeah" sophia laughed.

i was sat on the counter while sophia cooked dinner for us all.

"dinners done girls" she called and the girls came into the kitchen to sit down.

i put them some food in and gave their plates to them.

daisy started getting flirty with sophia and i wasn't liking it. sophia was flirting back which was causing daisy to keep going. i know it's only a joke and she's only 16 but she needs to stop.

we ate dinner and the girls thanked sophia.

"that was lovely sophia. i might come over everyday to eat your cooking" daisy joked.

"i'd love to have you daisy" sophia laughed.

we finished dinner and then ally had to go.

we decided to sit and watch a movie.

lily and daisy sat on the sofa and i sat beside daisy, waiting for leah with the popcorn.

"sophia, do you want to cuddle" daisy joked. leah walked in and gave daisy a death stare.
she sat next to me and pulled me onto her lap.

"your mine" she whispered into my ear and wrapped her arms around me.

"i know baby" i said and kissed her cheek.

she kept a strong possessive grip on me and kept giving me kisses throughout the movie.

lilys pov
i noticed how leah was getting when daisy was flirting with sophia. she was definitely not happy.

after the movie, i noticed daisy about to say something to sophia. i grabbed her hand and dragged her away before she even had chance.

"listen mate. you need to stop flirting with sophia" i said.

"why it's only banter" she laughed.

"leah doesn't like it. she's going to flip. and if she does. my ears will not be blessed. i won't get any sleep and i'll be traumatised by the noise that they'll make tonight" i said.

"damn seriously" she said. i nodded.

"it's fine if i flirt with leah though?" she asked.

"i'd rather you didn't but i guess" i sighed.

we went back downstairs and they girls put another movie on.

after that finished, daisy got a call that her mum was outside.

"thanks for having me, i've got to go but this was lovely. maybe next time we can do it again without lily if you know what i mean, threesome" she winked and my parents. both their mouths dropped in shock.

"sophia i'll see you around gorgeous yeah" she winked and sent a smirk to me.

oh my god this girl.

i took her to the door and stepped outside with her.

"fucking bitch" i said. "your gonna get an earful tomorrow about what i hear tonight. prepare for an angry exhausted me tomorrow."

"cant wait" she joked.

i gave her the finger before turning to wave at her mum in the car.

"i hate you dickhead" i said as she walked to her car.

"hate you more bitch" she joked.

i went back inside and saw leah and sophia making out on the sofa. i groaned.

"please keep it down tonight" i said and went to my room.

i messaged daisy.

me: they're already bloody down each others throats 🙄

daisy: lmao show me. send a pic

me: no u fucking creep

me: they've come upstairs now. i'm scared 😳

i decided to get myself ready for bed. i put on my pyjamas and was going to the bathroom.

the bathroom is right outside their room. i just need to be quick and close my ears.

i went in, brushed my teeth and came back out.

me: omg i actually cant this feels so wrong.
daisy: it's fine it's normal.
me: omg why are they so loud! sounds like leah's really going for it

daisy: go join in 😂
me: dirty bitch 😂😂

i messaged lauryn since i haven't spoken to her today.

me: hey baby. how do i block out the sound of people having sex? x

lauryn: wtf babe? x
me: pls help x
lauryn: ummm put on loud music? x
me: life saver. love you baby x

i put on some music to drown out the moans from the next room.

me: how was your day?
lauryn: good. i miss you. i had training after school so my legs are sore. what did you do today?

me: i went school (boring) then ally and daisy came over after. they stayed for dinner and then ally went home. we watched a movie and daisy kept flirting with soph. leah didn't like it and that's how i ended up in the situation im in rn.

lauryn: oh shit. i feel sorry for your ears 😂

me: its worse because i can picture it after seeing them photos

lauryn: oh yeah 😂
i've got to go but i'll speak to you tmr baby girl. don't get too traumatised 😂 xx

me: bye baby love you. x

lauryn: love you more x

i kept my music on for longer until about an hour and a half later, leah came into my room. she just had a big jumper on so i assume nothing under it.

"you can turn that off now" she said. i turned the music off and lay down in bed.

"you know daisy is only joking right?" i said.

"yeah i know" she said.

"okay love you" i said.

she came over to my bed and leaned over to kiss my cheek.

"you washed your hands right?" i said.
"yes" she said.
"and your face?" i asked.
"yes" she said.
"and your aware i can see your arsecheeks in the mirror right?" i laughed.
"fuck" she whispered, pulling the jumper down to cover herself again.

"goodnight sweetheart love you" she said, kissing my cheek and walking out.

"sophia not going to come say night?" i teased.
"oh i forgot. her leg's probably don't work anymore"

"cheeky" leah laughed. "go to sleep"

she walked out and shut the door and i slept

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