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the next day we woke up in each others arms. my alarm went off so i leaned over to turn it off and lay flat on my back.

"leah we have training. you need to wake up" i said.

she groaned and buried her face in my chest.

"can we just skip training and stay here today" leah mumbled into me.

"as much as i'd love to, i don't think jonas would be very happy about that" i laughed.

i got up and went to use the bathroom before coming back.

"leah seriously get up" i said. she'd fallen back asleep.

i got dressed and went down for breakfast.

i ate and waited for leah.

training starts in 20 minutes and leah still isn't down. i went up and saw that she was still asleep.

there's only one thing that will get her up now.

i went and got a glass of water. i went back in the room, pulled the duvet off and chucked it at her.

(not the glass, that would hurt. just the water)

"what the fuck" she shouted as she got up quickly.

i stood there innocently as she clambered out of bed.

"there was no need for that" leah said, pointing at her now soaked through tshirt.

"i think there was. training starts in 17 minutes" i said while checking the time.

she pulled off her shirt and wiped over her abs with the driest part of her shirt.

her body is so fine. i couldn't look away. i knew she loved a good workout but oh my god. i was completely mesmerised.

"fia are you even listening to what i'm saying" she said.
shit. she caught me staring.

"hm" i said finally looking into her eyes.

"like what you see?" she smirked.

"oh definitely" i said. she laughed.

"can you make me a slice of toast for the car?" she asked.

"hmm i think i might just sit right here and watch you" i said while sitting down on the bed.

she threw her shirt at me but i dodged it.
"hey that's not very nice" i joked.

i got up and went downstairs to make her breakfast.

she came down quickly and we got into the car. she drove us there while eating her toast.

we arrived to training just in time. we rushed to the changing rooms and then out to the pitch.

"nice of you girls to join us" beth joked.

"ha ha beth but i'll have you know that we're on time." leah said. it's true training starts at 9 and right now it's 8:58 so just in time.

"too busy making out to check the time this morning?" katie teased.

"no actually. this one was still in bed 20 minutes ago" i said, pointing at leah.

"wow, throwing me under the bus like that" leah rolled her eyes.

"if you didn't get up when you did, i would have 100% left without you" i said.

"that's so kind of you to say" leah laughed. she knows that i wouldn't. and i do too.

we did some 5 a side mini matches, 10 minutes each way. i was with sabrina, lotte, lia and kim. we have won all our matches and now we're on our final one. against leah's team. she has manu, beth, katie and viv.

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