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the next day i woke up and felt leah trying to slip out from under me.

"where are you going" i groaned and pulled her back into me, trapping her with my arms.

"i have training my love" she said.

"five more minutes" i mumbled against her chest.

"you know what, i'll just stay off today" she said and relaxed into my body.

"leah you can't take any more time off. you won't be in the next match squad if you miss any more training sessions" i said.

"ughh i know but your warm and i don't want to get out of bed" she groaned.

"your mood changed in an instant there" i laughed.

"that's because you wrapped me in your cuddly arms" she said.

"your cute le" i said and kissed her forehead.
"but you have to get up. i won't let you miss any more training"

"fine" she said. she kissed my neck once and then got up and went to the bathroom.

i got up and found leah's kit in her room. i brought it back to my room and put it on my chair and got myself back into bed.

"darling do you know where my kit is?" she asked, walking into my room.

"it somehow magically appeared over there" i said.

"hmm" she looked at me suspiciously.

"well since there here, you might as well get dressed in here anyway" i shrugged.

"you'd love that wouldn't you" she laughed.

"mhm" i nodded and propped myself up on my elbows.

"well if you insist" she said and started undressing herself very slowly.

i watched as she put on her clothes.

"enjoy the show?" leah teased as she sat on my bed and put on her socks.

"i think i might come too, just to watch you train" i said.

"it's just a gym day so there won't be much to watch" she said.

"even better. i get to see your sexy body working out" i said.

"well i'll take you if you can be ready in 5" she said.

"forget it. i'd rather stay in bed" i said.

"what?" she laughed.

"5 minutes is not enough time to get ready" i said.

"i'm already late darling. i'm sorry, i'll make it up to you after if you know what i mean" she winked.

"but only if that's what you want" she added on quickly.

"i'll be waiting" i winked back.

she kissed my lips and then left.

after another hour i got up and ate breakfast. i got myself dressed into some of leah's clothes and then put all my clothes in the dryer.

i just relaxed on the sofa and scrolled through tiktok.

i saw lots of videos of little puppies and it made me want one.

i always wanted a puppy when i was little but my mum was never a fan of animals. she never let us get one.

i really want a puppy.

maybe i can convince leah to let us get one.

i started looking online to see if anyone is giving away a puppy.

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