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sophias pov

today is a day off. i decided i wanted to deep clean the house as i haven't in a while.

after we had breakfast, leah dropped simba off at the dog groomers.

by the time she got back, i had already started. i was finishing up mopping the floor and then i moved onto hoovering.

leah came behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist and lifting me off the ground. she plonked me on the sofa and got on top of me.

"have a break darling. you can carry that on later" she said before pressing our lips together. i kissed her back before pulling away.

"leah stop. just left me finish cleaning and then you can have me" i said.

"come on darling. i can be quick. i need you" she said, she lifted my hoodie over my head, leaving me in just my bra.

"baby please. i know this won't get done otherwise." i said.

"please it will. i promise you i'll be very fast" she said.

"it won't le. your gonna fuck me here and then take me to bed and fuck me a hundred times more because i can't say no to you at that point. then i won't be able to walk so nothing will get done" i said. she laughed slightly as she turned red. i've caught her.

"fine be quick then" she said and climbed off me.

"can i have my jumper back then" i said.

"hmm no i don't think so" she said and put my hoodie on herself over her tshirt.

i carried on cleaning around the house while leah followed me around and watched.

"you know you could help instead of just sitting there watching" i laughed.

"i'd rather watch your sexy body in action" she said.

after i cleaned the house, leah took no time to grab me and take me to our bedroom. she put me down on the bed and started undressing.

"you know i've not been to the gym in a few days, i'm gonna need a pretty big workout" she said.

"i bet" i smirked. she pressed our lips together and i pulled her fully on top of me.

she kissed and sucked down my body all the way to my thong. she pulled it off and opened my legs, licking her lips hungrily.

she kissed my inner thighs forming hickeys as she went before attaching her tongue to my clit.

"oh fuck" i moaned.

she pleasured me with her mouth until i reached my orgasm.

then i flipped us over. as i pulled down her underwear, i noticed the pool of wetness.

"leah have you really got this worked up from watching me" i asked.

"yeah baby" she said.

i ran my fingers through her folds and played with her clit as she moaned out. i could tell she was needy so i pushed my fingers inside her and moved them at a steady pace.

she pushed my head down and i connected my lips with her clit, sucking and nipping at it while she gripped at my hair.

"princess i'm so close" she moaned. that spurred me on to move my fingers faster. i curled them a few times and felt her clench around them as she reached her high.

i cleaned her up with my tongue and then lay on her chest. she grabbed my hand and put my fingers in her mouth, licking up her own arousal and humming at the taste.

she then attached the strap and fucked me in many different positions.

"no more le" i said. i knew that if we didn't stop now, i probably wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow in training let alone run and play a training match.

"okay darling" she said. she lay down beside me and pulled me on top of her.

she placed lots of kisses to my forehead and stroked up and down my back.

we stayed in bed for a little while before getting up and going down for lunch.

leah made us her favourite ham sandwiches and we sat and ate them.

"you okay darling?" she asked.

"mhm" i nodded.

we sat on the sofa, cuddled up watching tv.

a few hours later, i cooked us dinner and we ate it.

"do you want to go out?" leah asked.

"where?" i asked.

"just a drive" she said.

"yeah alright" i said.

we got our hoodies on and got in the car.

leah drove us and played music. he rested her hand on my thigh as we drove and sung along to our favourite songs.

we arrived at our usual destination where we sit and watch the stars.

we got out of the car and leah leaned against the front of the car. she dragged me between her legs and wrapped her arms around me. she put her chin at my shoulder and kissed my cheek.

"i love you more than anything" she whispered.

"baby i love you more than you know" i said.

we stayed there for a while before driving back home. we got ready for bed before slipping in together.

i rested my head on her chest and wrapped my arms around her waist.

she put her hands inside my shirt and gently scratched my back. she kissed my head many times.

"good night beautiful" she whispered.

"good night my leah" i said.

a/n: the lauryn and lily pov is on Arsenal_Lionesses

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