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we stayed downstairs for a while.

"leah, can you bring my car back when we go back to london?" i asked.

"but i wanted to come with you" she said.

"erm can jacob drive" i asked. she nodded.

"jacob, can you bring my car back to london?" i asked.

"the lambo?" he asked hopefully.

"as if. not a single chance. the merc" i said.

"yeah alright if you take me back to mk in the lambo after i drop it off" he said.

"jacob you cheeky little sod" leah said.

"alright i will, thanks mate" i said.

"you don't have to soph. he can just get a taxi" leah said.

"le it's fine, i'll do it" i said.

everyone went up to bed.

"wanna go out?" i asked.

"where? everywhere will be closed" she said.

"we can just go for a drive" i suggested. i really need some time alone with leah. especially after the day i've had.

we got up and went out. i made sure to lock the door and we got in the car.

i drove us through the quiet streets and found an empty car park.

we got out. leah leaned against the front of the car and pulled me back against her. she put her hands at my stomach and i leaned my head back into her shoulder.

we looked up at the stars and watched how beautiful they looked.

leah started placing lots of kisses along my jaw and neck.

"do you want to drive us back" i offered. i shook the keys at leah. she took them.

"hell yeah" she said.

we got in the car. and she started driving us back to my house.

"you look so sexy driving my lamborghini" i said.

she placed her hand at my thigh and kept going up and up.

we got home and went to my room.

simba was sleeping downstairs on the sofa. i didn't want to move him and disturb him so i left him.

we got dressed and ready for bed.

"i'm so cold" i shivered as i climbed in bed.

"i know how to warm you up" she smirked.

"yeah, you can cuddle me under these blankets" i said cheekily.

"i think we both know that's not what i meant" she laughed and climbed in beside me.

i put my head on her chest and my hand at her shoulder. she wrapped her arms around me and kissed my head.

"goodnight my love" she said.

"night le" i said.

i woke up a few hours later. i got up and went to the toilet.

when i got back, leah was laying on her side. i went and lay in front of her. she pressed her chest against my back and put her arm around me.

"where did you go" she asked.

"just to the toilet" i told her.

she hummed.

her hand went inside my shirt and slowly went down. she reached the waistband of my pants and put her hand inside. she stroked through my folds and pressed against my clit.

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