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the next morning leah woke up and turned off her alarm. after a few minutes i felt her leave the bed.

i got up and went after her into the bathroom. she was stood brushing her teeth, when she saw me her expression changed.

"oh shit" she said in slight shock.

"what" i said starting to panic.

she pulled me in front of the mirror and i looked at myself. there were marks everywhere. this is going to be very hard to cover up.

"i suggest you don't wear shorts today" leah said, looking at my thighs.

"what am i going to do" i said. i knew leah was kissing hard last night but this was not what i expected.

"brush your teeth, i'll help you cover it up" leah said. she left the room and came back with some makeup.

i brushed my teeth and washed my face. leah picked me up and sat me on the counter. she pulled out her phone and took a picture.

"leah" i laughed.

"what. this is just for me, i have to document this absolute masterpiece i created" she said proudly.

"your too funny" i said. i pulled her into me and kissed her lips.

"right now let's sort this out" she said.

she put makeup on my neck, shoulders and the top of my chest. just anywhere that someone may see.

"get dressed and i'll see if anywhere else needs doing" she said.

we both got dressed and leah checked if any marks were visible.

"your good, just got to hope it doesn't come off in training" she said.

we went down to breakfast and ate quickly. the makeup took a lot longer than expected so we don't have much time left.

we got in the car and made sure we had everything before leaving.

we arrived at training and sat in the changing rooms.

"leah can i speak to you" jonas said. she got up and followed him out.

"is that makeup of your shirt" beth asked, pointing at the neck of my top.

"no" i said.

"are you sure?" she teased.

"i'm pretty sure" i said.

"i wouldn't be surprised if it is. you must be hiding something underneath it. judging by those pictures yesterday, i assume leah must have put them there" beth teased.

"shut up about the pictures beth" i said quietly.

"alright alright" she said holding her hands up.

we went onto the training pitch together.

we did some drills and then went home.

"get some rest, we have a big game tomorrow" jonas said.

we went home and i showered.

as i let the warm water soak my body, i heard the bathroom door open and close quietly. a few seconds later, leah was stood behind me with her hands at my waist.

"surprise" leah said.

"not to kill your vibe or anything but i heard you come in le" i teased.

"no you didn't" she said and placed her lips at my neck. she gently sucked and nipped at my skin.

she turned me around and leaned me against the wall. her hand went to my neck, pressing me into the wall. it wasn't a strong grip and it definitely didn't hurt. it actually felt kind of hot.

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