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it's now been a few months, me and leah are going strong. i told my family that me and leah are together. i said we decided to forget whatever happened before and started new as if we were never together in the first place.

leah went out with one of her cousins for a day out. i was left home alone so i rang beth.

"beffy what are you doing today?" i asked.

"nothing i'm a but bored" she said.

"do you want to come over? we can just watch movies and chill" i said.

"yeah i'll come in like 20" she said. we hung up and i went to get dressed.

i decided to just wear a tracksuit. one of leah's favourite. it was my favourite to steal. it's very comfy and smells like her.

after about 15 minutes, beth knocked on the door.

i opened it and let her in. she had some snacks with her and we sat on the sofa.

we decided to watch all the harry potter movies in order.

we watched and ate our snacks. i lay down across the sofa, leaning my head on beth's legs.

i felt my phone buzz so i picked it up.

leah: i need your help. i don't know which to choose.

me: what is it?

leah: wait it's sending

leah: 3 images.

i clicked on the pictures and saw leah stood in some sexy lingerie.

i quickly turned my phone off so beth didn't see, but it was too late.

"what the fuck have i just seen" she said in complete shock.

"is that plain old leah williamson, sending slutty pictures" beth said.

"don't call her that" i said.

"what? plain or slutty" she laughed.

"both" i defended.

"i never expected that from her" she said.

"beth stop. she's so cute" i said with a little smile.

"she's sending you nudes and you think that's cute?" beth teased.

"they aren't nudes. she's asking me to pick. not that it's any of your business what she sends to me. you and viv probably send nudes to each other too" i said.

"too? so you do send nudes to each other?" she said.

"do you and viv not?" i questioned, dodging her question that she clearly knows the answer to.

"sometimes i guess, but i never expected you two to do it" she said.

"so you have naked pictures of leah in your phone" she said.

"yeah and what? you jealous or something? they're clearly not going to be where anyone can see them" i said.

i got up to leave the room.

"where you going" beth asked.

"to answer her" i said, shaking my phone at her.

"more like to send her more nudes" beth teased. i put my middle finger up at her and walked out.

i looked through the pictures again.

me: definitely the black although you look so good in all xx

leah: i thought the black, why did it take so long to answer

me: just had to do something

i cant tell her that beth saw. she'd probably get so embarrassed.

leah: i also got a something for us both. going to enjoy fucking you up with that 😉

me: damn i cant wait 😉😉

i turned off my phone and went back to beth.

"beth, your going to pretend you never saw those pictures. we never had that conversation" i said.

"and why would that be?" she questioned.

"otherwise i'll tell everyone you and viv send to each other. i know how shy and embarrassed viv can get about that topic." i said.

"fine" she said. i know she definitely would have teased leah about that, and i definitely don't need that.

we carried on watching the movies.

a while later, leah came in the house.

"don't you fucking dare" i said quietly to beth.

"i'm home" leah called from the front door.

"living room" i called back.

leah came in and kissed my lips.

"hi beth" she said. beth smiled and nodded at her.

"this is mine" she said pulling at the hoodie.

"not anymore" i joked.

"ooh what did you get" i said, looking at her bags.

"i'll show you later" she said. she kissed my lips again before walking upstairs to put her things away.

"there's definitely a dildo or something in there" beth teased.

"stop it beth" i said.

leah came back and sat on the sofa. she put her arm at the back of the sofa, behind me. i held her hand and interlocked our fingers. i leaned my head against her and watched the movie.

"beth are you staying for dinner?" leah asked.

"no im going to go. i'll let you two have some fun yourselves. and i'm cooking tonight so i need to be home before viv gets back" beth said.

at the end of the movie beth left. we both went to the door to see her out and then went back inside.

"can we order in tonight, we don't have training tomorrow" i said.

"yeah. chinese tonight?" leah asked. i nodded and pulled out my phone. i ordered us both food and we sat back on the sofa.

"what did you buy?" i asked leah.

"you'll find out after dinner" leah said.

we watched the last harry potter movie and the food arrived.

we sat and ate it. i ate quickly wanting to know what was in that bag. but leah ate very slowly, like she was dragging it out.

she had a little grin on her face. clearly she's enjoying this.

"your like an impatient kid on christmas" leah joked.

"rude. just hurry up i want to see what it is" i said.

she finished her food and went to the kitchen. then threw away all the rubbish and then washed our cutlery.

"leah why are you dragging this out" i whined.

"because look at you. your so desperate to know" she teased.

"your so horrible" i said.

"that's not what your going to be saying in a minute" she said.

i carried on whinging until she finished washing.

"right now let's go darling" she said. she held my hand and led me upstairs

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