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lilys pov

after me and lauryn got home, we just chilled on the sofa watching netflix. sharon cooked dinner which was very nice and then gary came home and i met him. he was very nice and asked a few questions about my new school.

now me and lauryn are getting ready for bed. lauryn emptied out one of her drawers to let me put my clothes in there. she really is sweet.

"baby you didn't have to do that" i said.

"i know but i can't have you living out of a suitcase for the next week" she said.

after i moved my things to her drawer, i sent a message to leah and sophia and then we got into bed. she pulled me closer to her and i rested my head on her chest. she stroked through my hair and we had a little chat about random things.

"i cant tell you how much i've missed this" i said.

"tell me about it" she said. we drifted off to sleep finally being together again.

the next morning we had a late start. by the time we woke up, sharon and gary had already gone to work. we went downstairs and made breakfast.

we were sat at the dining table when ella came in.

"girls i'm going out with a friend so you'll be alone until about 6ish. behave yourselves, don't trash the house. and if your going to shag, please do it in your bed. we have a certain mccabe who has a tendency to shag on the sofa and in the kitchen. we don't need another following in the unnamed siblings footsteps" she said.

we both laughed and ella left.

after we ate breakfast, we went upstairs and got dressed and ready for the day.

we decided to go on a walk. we held hands and spoke about random things. lauryn pointed out things in the streets and funny memories from certain places.

once we got back, we sat on the sofa and lauryn turned on her playstation.

"do you know how to play fifa" she asked.

"kind of, i've played against leah and sophia a couple of times but i'm not very good" i said.

"it's okay i'll go easy on you" she said as she loaded fifa.

we ended up playing a few rounds and she beat me every time.

"i give up. you keep beating me" i said putting the controller down.

"that's because your a sore loser" she teased.

"hey that's not very nice. you need to do something to make it up to me now" i said.

"i can think of one thing" she smirked. "we have the house to ourselves for a few more hours, why don't we make the most of it"

"lead the way" i said. clearly she had better ideas and picked me up, carrying me to her bedroom.

"looks like someone has been working hard in the gym" i said.

"got to keep in shape for my beautiful girl" she joked.

she put me down on the bed and hovered on top of me. she pressed our lips together and kissed me passionately.

she moved her kisses to my neck and then trailed down.

she pulled off my shirt and bra and continued her trail of kisses along the valley of my breasts and down my stomach before moving back up to my nipples. she kissed and sucked at my skin, leaving little marks wherever she went as small moans escaped from my lips.

i took off her shirt and bra then she moved down again and kissed just above the waistband of my joggers. she tugged them down along with my underwear as i raised my hips slightly.

she spread my legs and sucked harshly at my inner thighs.

then she ran a finger through my folds before pressing against my clit and rubbing circles into it.

"oh fuck" i moaned. she moved her mouth back to my nipples and sucked, leaving marks across my chest.

she pushed one finger inside me and started pumping it at a slow pace.

"mmh faster baby" i moaned. she moved her hand slightly faster while still placing kisses along my body.

"do you think you could take another finger baby girl" she asked.

"yeah maybe" i said.

she slowly pushed in a second finger and continued moving them quickly.

"do you like when i do this" she asked and curled her fingers.

"oh yes fuck" i moaned. waves of pleasure hitting me.

i slammed my eyes shut and my head tipped back.

"cum for me baby girl" she said and that sent me over the edge.

i clenched around her fingers as she fucked me through my high.

once i calmed down, she pulled out her fingers.

"good girl, you did so well for me baby" she said. she moved some hair from my face and tucked it behind my ear.

"i love you" i panted. she pressed her lips against mine once more. this was a gentle kiss, a caring kiss. completely full of love and not lust.

i sat up and flipped us over. i took off her shorts and underwear. i licked my lips as i looked at her soaked cunt.

i licked through her folds and flicked her clit with the tip of my tongue.

"oh fuck do that again" she moaned.

i repeated that a few times before pushing my tongue inside her. i felt her walls contracting against my tongue as i licked inside her, tasting her.

her hands went to my hair as she gripped it and pulled me into her deeper.

she gently tugged at my hair and i moaned against her clit causing her to moan. i removed my tongue from inside her and replaced it with two fingers. i moved them pretty quickly as i knew she was close.

she reached her orgasm and released on my fingers and in my mouth with a loud groan.

"your fucking good" she said as i pulled away from her.

she moved me to lay on her. my head at her shoulder and my nose in her neck.

"i love you" i said.

"i love you more" she said.

"we should get sorted before everyone gets back" lauryn said.

"probably" i said.

she kissed my lips and then we got up. we put our clothes back on and then went back downstairs after cleaning up.

we put on the tv and cuddled on the sofa watching a random movie.

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