Chapter 56: A Different Type of Grieving Process

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They take you home, once you shower and change you go to Kai's apartment across the street. You look around for a second, tears blocking your vision, you walk over to a chair that had one of his favourite shirts on it, holding it in your hands you breakdown falling to the ground at the taught of him gone. Kol comes into the apartment concerned for you, you look at him tears streaming down your face. He walks over to you and sits across from you.

Y/N: You know his last words were he loved me... and I didn't get to say it back *You burst into tears* I might not have loved him the same way he loved me but I loved him so much... and I didn't get to say that to him *You cry* I never got to tell him how much he means to me and how much I appreciate him *You cry* He's never going to know any of that *You cry into your hands*

Kol: Hey I'm sure he knows Y/N, come on stop crying you need to rest now I can stay or.. *He say in a reassuring and caring tone*

Y/N: No... stay please I don't think I'll be able to sleep alone... Kol I felt so helpless and then he left me alone with his body I can't unsee or forget what Tristan did to him.. *You say in a distraught tone* You know he put everything he owned in my name before I turned because he was scared someone would attack him in his home...and then when I turned I put everything in including his things in Freya's name..

Kol: I know Trouble... sorry..

Y/N: It's fine... let's just forget the past for now.. *You say softly seeking comfort in the pet name and Kol*

Kol: Okay.. are you okay? *He asks in a concerned tone*

Y/N: No... he's gone Kol.. *You start to cry harder*

Kol: I know darling *He says in a sad tone*

Y/N: *After you calmed down a bit* Are you okay? I know he was also your best friend, the first person you trusted in a long time besides me... *You ask in a soft concerned tone*

Kol: I'm okay... I have to be strong... can't have the both of us breaking down... *Attempting to say the last part in a joking tone*

Y/N: *You nod* I wish it was me instead...*You say in a horsed voice*

Kol: Don't say that! *He say sternly with shock*

Y/N: He didn't deserve that darling... he didn't... i don't know what to do without him... I don't know what to do without him... he was my support... my best friend, my confidant, he was my platonic soulmate... he never gave up on me no matter what, he still checked up on me when I was spiralling with the drugs and alcohol, he believed in me even though I didn't believe in myself... he's part of the reason I am the way I am... he was there for me at my highest and lowest... how do I get through things without him? *You say between soft sobs*

Kol: With me... I won't leave your side ever again I promise the only thing that will be able to make me leave your side is death...

Y/N: Kol... *You say in a soft gruff tone*

Kol: Don't... I promise you this, I'll help you get through this and anything else Trouble, now I need you to rest for a bit *He says in a caring and concerned tone*

Y/N: Okay... but...

Kol: *He cuts you of* I won't leave you, I'll stay no matter what *He reassures you*

Y/N: Thank you...

Kol stays with you the whole night, constantly checking on you and making sure you're okay. Klaus persuaded Cami into turning and she's now a vampire, Elijah got Rebekah and brought her home only to find out she's cursed. You and Freya contact Finn for help since he knew more about their mother's spells hoping he could help. He arrives in New Orleans and you'll attempt to remove the curse, unfortunately Rebekah let's you'll think it worked enlisting Elijah's help to dagger her and not tell anyone... he only told you about it.

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