Chapter 47: Gaining The Power Back

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A few months later, you're on a call in your room.

Y/N: Yes Elijah, I'll be there tomorrow night, Rebekah is coming tonight *You say calmly*

Elijah: You don't have to if you don't want to *He says reassuringly*

Y/N: No, I want to help... as long as you leave Francesca to me *You say earnestly*

Elijah: That I can do

Y/N: See you tomorrow Elijah

Elijah: See you tomorrow Y/N *He ends the call*

Kai walks in.

Kai: You're leaving?

Y/N: *You take a bite from your sandwich* Yes Kai... I told you this already.. *You stutter nervously*

Kai: I know... just concerned *He say in a worried tone*

Y/N: I know I just want to make it safe for Hope so she can be reunited with her family *You say in a sad tone*

Kai: I know you do *He says in a caring tone*

Y/N: Rebekah will be here soon, help her with Hope okay *You say with a smile*

Kai: I will *He reassures you*

Y/N: And thank you for helping me with everything *You say in an appreciative tone*

Kai: Don't thank me you're my best friend and I love you *He says in a caring tone*

Y/N: *You stand up and walk towards him* I love you to Kai *You hug him, Hope then starts crying* I better go see what she wants *You say pulling away from the hug*

Kai: Okay

You go see to Hope and later Rebekah arrives.

Rebekah: Y/N! *She says excitedly and hugs you*

Y/N: Hi Bex, thanks for coming *You say appreciatively*

Rebekah: Anything for you and my niece *She says with a smile*

Y/N: Kai will be staying with you, the house is cloaked along with all of us, if you need anything there's a supermarket a few miles going west and a hospital going east *You say informatively*

Rebekah: Got it

Y/N: If you need anything ask Kai *You smile*

Rebekah: Okay

Y/N: Also Hope's an absolute angel and don't tell Kai I said this but she absolutely adores him *You giggle*

Rebekah: That's adorable *She giggles back*

Y/N: It really is, her whole face lights up when she sees him and vice versa

Rebekah: Aww that's so cute

Y/N: I already packed my car, I'm going upstairs to say goodbye to Hope and Kai, make yourself at home *You say with a smile*

Rebekah: Okay *She smiles*

You go upstairs.

Y/N: Kai.. *You say standing by the door*

Kai: Yes? *He says turning around to face you*

Y/N: I'm leaving now

Kai: Okay.. please be safe *He says in a concerned tone*

Y/N: I will, you to okay, you take care of yourself *You say in a caring tone*

Kai: I will

Y/N: And Kai I hope you know I wouldn't have been able to do this at all I truly appreciate you and your help *You say in a loving tone*

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