Chapter 67: A Promise To Damon

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Kol takes you back to the Mikaelson Mansion, you both sit down by the fire place in your room.

Kol: Y/N I know you miss him, I know you planned a future and life with him, I know how much you loved him, I saw the way you both looked at each other, you've never looked at me the way you look at Damon... But he'd never want you to be in so much pain *He says in a soft caring tone*

Y/N: Kol, I'm not just going to forget about him...

Kol: *He cuts you of* And I will never let you forget him, I think that's evident by what I just said, all I'm saying is don't let the pain consume you, Damon would hate that, he'd never want you to be in pain... you have every right to be sad, to grieve, to hurt but don't let it consume you... Damon loves you so much, he'd hate his absence being the cause of your pain..

Y/N: It's not just him I'm missing Kol, when I was on the other side I got to see Kai, Hayley, Finn, my biological mum, my family and coven *Tears make their way in your eyes* I got to spend time with them, learn about my family, cook and bake with Hayley and Kai, have debates with Finn... all I ever wanted was to know what my mum was like and I got to meet her in person *Your voice breaks on the last part of that sentence* I got to meet my entire family and they welcomed me with open arms *Tears stream down your face* I got to learn family spells that aren't in my book... to hear first hand accounts of my family history from my ancestors...

Kol: And that's what you will cherish forever, you got what you've always wanted even if it was for a short time and now you get to share all those stories and spells with Ella, she'll get to know where she comes from because you came back to her, to us... *He says in a caring and encouraging tone*

Y/N: You're right but I didn't want to come back, I only came back because of Hope and Ella... and our family, I knew you all needed me

Kol: We do need you

Y/N: I know but I want revenge Kol that's the only way I'll feel at peace

Kol: Say less, I'll be by your side through it all and I'll help in any way I can *He says in a reassuring voice*

Y/N: Thank you... I have 2 missions though, revenge and something I promised Damon I'd do

Kol: You just tell me what you need *He says firmly*

Y/N: But before we get into all that, I have a message for you from Kai

Kol: Really? *He says curiosity lacing his voice*

Y/N: Yeah... first things first, he said he can't believe his little wake resulted in Ella and that you're welcome *You laugh* he said he misses you and all the mischief you'll got up to... He said he hopes you live your life, that you're happy and that you tick of everything on you'lls bucket list

Kol: Oh God not the bucket list *He laughs*

Y/N: *You laugh* I want to know about this bucket list, he also said he wishes he got to meet Ella and that you better be good now that you're a father

Kol: I miss him... as for the bucket list it's something Kai and I made when he turned

Y/N: What's on it? *You ask with curious eyes*

Kol: Go to a vampire club and party hard, crash a wedding, prank Elijah and Klaus, get a tattoo, go on a month long vacation, sky diving and own a arcade together

Y/N: Wow... well Kai added a catch to it

Kol: What kind of catch? *He frowns*

Y/N: He made me promise to do the bucket list with you, he said it would be no fun doing it alone

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