Chapter 60: The Return Of The Mikaelson's

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5 Years Later...

You put the coffins of the unconscious Mikaelson's into the truck and locking the back with a lock. You then turn walking over to someone.

Y/N: Thanks for doing this *You say in a appreciative tone*

Damon: Of course, anything for you baby *He smiles*

Y/N: Ansel will be back in an hour or so

Damon: You sure you got everything? *He asks concerned*

Y/N: Yes, just this last thing and I can bring them all back, once I find Keelin I'll return *You say positively*

Damon: Okay be safe

Y/N: You too, I told Hope I'd call every night

You say your goodbyes and then leave. Once you reach your first destination you locate Keelin, you approach her hoping you can talk to her just like you did with the others but unfortunately you hear men looking for the both you of so you use your magic to knock her out. A while later Keelin wakes up tied up to a chair, causing her to try and free herself.

Y/N: Relax I'm not your enemy *You say in a calm tone from across the room* If I left you where you were you'd be dead

Keelin: Let me guess, we're on the run from vampires, you have the same stink as they do *She says snarkily*

Y/N: I'm special, I'm a hybrid, half vampire half witch *You say prepping all the vials*and considering that I saved your ass you should show me some respect *You say turning to face her*

Keelin: How do I know you weren't the one that led them to me?

Y/N: Does it matter? They know who you are and they want you dead. The only way to survive is to do exactly what I tell you *You say in a firm tone*

Keelin: It's not like I have a choice *You start taking some equipment out* Hey look I don't know what kind of pervy stuff you're into but I'm not that kind of girl

Y/N: This is a device to extract your venom and before you ask, yes it will hurt *You say removing the cover of the machine and setting it up*

Keelin: Why are you doing this to me?

Y/N: *You open a coffin revealing a sleeping Freya* I'm trying to save my family, Keelin the people in there are dying, the only thing keeping them alive is a sleep spell and the only one that can cure it is her *You point to Freya* She's a witch and she left me instructions on how to wake her up early, the only thing I'm missing is your venom when she gets on her feet I can give her the ingredients I got and with any luck no one has to die

Keelin: So if I give you what you want will you let me go?

Y/N: You have my word *You say honestly and she nods*

A while later.

Keelin: You got my venom when do I get to go?

Y/N: As soon as I know it works *You say as you add the vial of venom with the others*

Keelin: And when will that be?

Y/N: Believe me, you'll know when you see it

Keelin: So you have to wake up sleeping beauty right, how do you do that? *She asks as you fill a syringe with a liquid*

Y/N: You know you ask a lot of questions *You say walking over to Freya*

You stab the syringe into Freya's heart causing her to wake up abruptly sitting up.

Y/N: Freya, are you okay? *You hug her*

Freya: Did you get the ingredients? *She says in a gruff and groggy voice*

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