Chapter 14: A New Beginning

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The next day you and Katherine leave for New York. Your first few days you spend learning your way around and where the stores are etc. You then go apartment hunting, not really liking anything that was shown. You'll arrive back to Katherine's apartment.

Katherine: I think this is a sign you should just stay here

Y/N: *You laugh* Really? Did you plan this? *You say raising your eyebrow and giving her a sceptical look jokingly*

Katherine: Of course not *She says slightly offended* But the places their showing you that are close to campus are dumps and the others are to far but amazing

Y/N: Fair point

Katherine: Plus this apartment is 15 minutes away from campus, it's got an amazing view and security *She says in a convincing tone*

Y/N: And when a new apartment opens in the building I can get it *You say adding letting her know that you won't be staying forever*

Katherine: Exactly, so you'll be stay here *She says excitement in her voice*

Y/N: *You smile brightly at her* Yes Kat

Katherine: Now tell me how are you really doing Y/N? *She says in a caring tone*

Y/N: I'm fine Kat...*You say in a monotone* Why?

Katherine: It's just I'm worried after the breakup and losing the baby.. *She says cautiously*

Y/N: Stop Kat *You say in a bit of a rude tone* I said I'm fine, I don't like talking about it *You say in a little calmer tone but she can still sense a bit of annoyance and anger in your tone*

Kat: Y/N I just think maybe you need to talk about it *She says in a concerned tone*

Y/N: I don't Kat..*You say in a soft tone* I'm fine, I've moved on I came here for a new start Kat *You say your tone getting defensive with each word said, you look straight into her eyes* So drop it *You say your voice laced with frustration now*

Katherine: Come on Y/N can't I just be concerned..*She says in a worried tone*

Y/N: *You cut her of* I'm not saying that Kat but don't I look fine I dealt with my loss, it will always hurt but I'm a survivor I'm not letting it consume me I focus on everything else is that such a bad thing? *You say in a frustrated and angry tone*

Katherine: No, I just don't want it to stop you from healing that's all *She says using a more calming tone to calm you down*

Y/N: Well I'm healed Kat now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go shower and change

You walk to your room, turning on the shower in your bathroom, then walking back to your room and pull out a bottle from under your bed, taking a swing from it. After that talk Katherine backed of and watched you carefully but you seemed fine to her, better said you was good at hiding what you was really doing, she never saw you drink more then a glass of wine a night. The rest of the trip you go site seeing and tour of your campus, you also buy a few sets of your uniform. You return home for a few days to spend with your mum. You're now a week away from starting classes. You've moved all the stuff you need into Katherine's place. You're currently sitting in the living room watching T.V when Katherine sits next to you.

Katherine: Hey, I need to talk to you

Y/N: What's up?

Katherine: I was thinking since you're all settled in, I can go on a little vacation with Stefan, if you're okay staying alone *She says nervously*

Y/N: Yeah that sounds amazing Kat *You say happily* go have some fun I'll be busy with school anyway

Katherine: Really?! *She says excitedly* Thank you

Y/N: Of course Kat *You say smiling her and then you hug her*

Time Skip: 1 Year Later

You've been doing well in school surprisingly since you're never home and always out partying with your new friends that you met, all of them are rich kids of the rich elite group of the upper east side. You don't really keep up much with your other friends anymore, like they say sometimes high school friends get distant, you'll just message now and then. You haven't returned to Mystic Falls since you left, you do text and call your mum once a day. Your relationship with Katherine and Kai is really strained but you're still living in Katherine's apartment mainly cause she can't let you have no where to go and just so she can know you're safe.

You've just finished your first year of culinary school so you and your friends go out to celebrate. A few hours in you can barely stand, you're on the floor with some random guy you can feel his hands on your body and you can smell the alcohol on his breath but you don't care, you can barely focus anyway while still dancing with him everything goes black.

The next morning you wake up in a bed and bedroom that's not yours, you slowly look under the covers to see you're wearing a button up shirt, you quickly start looking around trying to figure out where the hell you are, also for your clothes and bag. As you're still trying to think what even happened last night the door opens.

Elijah: Your clothes are being washed in the laundry room *He says in his usual calm tone that you haven't heard in such a long time, you never realised how much you yearned to hear someone's voice*

Y/N: *You quickly shock of the thought* Elijah? *You say shocked* Did we?? *You say in a more quite and a little embarrassment in your tone, you done even know when's the last time you've felt this way probably the last time was in high school*

Elijah: No *His eyes soften as he realises you don't seem to even remember what happened last night* I slept on the couch

Y/N: Oh...*You say in a soft voice barely audible but feeling relief come over your body, then realization takes over* How did I??

Elijah: You were really drunk last night and some man was trying to take you to his place, you weren't even conscious so I didn't know if he drugged you or anything so I stepped in and brought you here, I compelled one of the maids to change you into one of my shirts *He says in that same calm tone that just seemed to make you realise how much you miss your old friends not they weren't even friends they were your family*

Y/N: *Quickly snapping out of thought again you respond with* Oh.. thank you *You say looking down at your hands feeling embarrassed you let Elijah the big brother you've always wanted had to see you like this*

Elijah: *He walks closer now* Y/N..

Y/N: *You cut him of still feeling embarrassed and wanting to leave* I better be going my friends must be worried..

Elijah: *A flash of hurt flashes across his face* Stay for breakfast, I'd like to speak to you

Y/N: Erm.. maybe another time *You go to grab your bag from the night stand but it ends up falling revealing drugs and cigarettes, which you quickly start to pick up, worry flashes across Elijah's face at this sigh*

Elijah: *Bends down by you stopping you* Y/N I think you should stay a bit, I insist *He says still in his calm tone almost as if he knows if he uses any other tone will scare and hurt you*

Y/N: Okay *You say defeated knowing that he won't leave you now after he saw the content of your bag* let me just text my friends I'm okay

You text your friend group telling them you're okay, Elijah then leads you to the lounge, where you both take a seat.

⚜I'll be posting every Friday⚜ Thank you everyone for all the love and support... I really appreciate it⚜

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