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I didn't know how, but somehow I managed to get some rest. I didn't sleep as much hours as I initially would like, but after yesterday night I was already happy that I got some sleep after all.
He was the first thing that crossed my mind, but I immediately tried to not think about it anymore in order to focus on filming again. As I got ready to go to the set, i received a notification on my phone again. It was from iMessage, send by a number I had not saved in my phone. I immediately had the feeling from who the message could be. As soon as I unlocked my phone, I started to read.

"Good morning,
I hope you slept well today. Good luck with filming. We can call tonight if you want.
This is my new number btw, I assumed you still got the same one since you asked me to call."

I smiled like a fool while reading his message. It was true that I still had the same phone number after many years, so his assumption was right.
I was obviously nervous to call with him, but then again I realized I was the one who popped up the idea. I started to write something back. I did not want to sound desperate, but at the same time I wanted him to know that I was excited to hear his voice again.

"Good morning,
I slept well and I hope you did too. You can call me tonight, maybe around 10 when the kids are likely too sleep. Good luck today!


As soon as I send the message I put my phone away. It was something I used to do whenever I got nervous. I decided to make myself ready to go to the set by taking a shower and putting on a comfy outfit. Today was the day I would fit my wedding dress for the movie again. We would film some action scenes which I was already excited about. At least it would distract me enough to not think about him all day. As soon as I said goodbye to the kids, Benny came to the house to drop me off to the set. During the drive I noticed that he often side eyed me. "Is there something wrong?" He asked with a concerned voice. "No, nothing is wrong, I think I am just a little nervous for today's scenes." I tried to convince him, but I knew him longer than today to know that he wouldn't believe me. "You know, you can tell me anything right?" I nodded and gave him a smile, hoping that he wouldn't ask more.

As he dropped me off to the set, it was time for me to fit my wedding dress. My make up was also done, and I looked to myself in the mirror. I liked the way it looked on me. It was no dress I would choose in real life, but it looked nice. As I was ready to go to the set again, I saw that Ben send me another text. I knew it was not smart to read the message right before filming, but I couldn't stop myself.

"I've got a little surprise for you. I think that it already arrived at your place in the DR. I wanted you to know already before you will find out when you'll be home tonight."

As I read the message, I couldn't help but smile. I wonder what he was talking about, but Benny was soon to interrupt my little moment.

"Jen, are you coming?" I nodded and walked after him.

"You really need to tell me what's going on, I know something is going on when I see your face like this."

I tried to ignore what he said, but then he looked at me again.
"I got an unexpected message from an unexpected person. That is all. And I won't talk about it now because I am ready to film these exciting scenes today!" He looked at me with a certain curiosity in his eyes while I walked away. I was ready to film my scenes while in my mind I couldn't wait for tonight.

After I filmed the scenes, Benny came to me again. "I know that it was Ben you were talking to." I looked at him with a surprised face.
"How do you know that?" I said.
"Jen, there is only one person in this world who can make you smile like that and give you this kind of energy in your work." I looked at him, still not ready to admit what was really going on since last night.

"You don't have to tell me if you are not ready yet, but I think it is a good idea to talk to him again. I noticed from the comments he made about you that he still cares about you. And that is special after all those years."
As I let his words sink in into my mind, I couldn't help by giving him a little smile.

"We're just friends, Benny." I said in a calm tone.
It was at that moment that he couldn't help but laugh.

"Jennifer, if there is one thing in this world that I know for sure, it is that Ben Affleck and you can never be just friends."

I gave him a side eye as I walked away.
"Are you ready to go home?" I screamed from a distance.

He walked slowly after me as I couldn't help but think that he was right. We could never be just friends, we were just fooling ourselves for all these years.

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