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When I came back home, I saw a surprising being guest busy in my kitchen. It was Lynda who came over. She told me that she wanted to bring the twins back to New York in order to spend some time with her, my other sister, cousins, niece and my parents. The twins seemed to be very excited about the idea, and I could see that they rather spend some days over there instead of staying with me, since I was busy working all day. Besides, they had some time off for school, so it was the perfect idea for them to have a little get away. She secretly told me that it was also a good idea for me to have some alone time, since I've recently been through a lot.

Although having the kids around me was never too much for me, I also appreciated the help of my family. They have always been there for me, and the kids, and know that it is never been easy for me to be a single mom. Being a single mom was never what I desired to be, and I wished things were different. However, I am also relieved that I never needed to share them which I knew was a selfish thought. They see their father sometimes, but we never had a real coparenting situation. That made it hard for me to do everything on my own, but with the help of my friends and family I managed to do that for years. I never plannend it that way, and when I thought about them missing a father figure in their life, I always wished that things would have been different. Especially because they deserved that so much.

The kids were busy packing their stuff when Lynda handed me a little box.
"When I was busy cooking here, while you were working, a deliverer came over. He handed me this." I knew a little surprise was on my way today, like Ben told me, but it didn't immediately crossed my mind that this could be it. "There's also a little note." She said while she handed me a little card. I opened the card and immediately started to read.

"I hope you like it. It symbolizes that two hearts become one. Love and friendship. Soulmates.

My heart was pounding fast as I was reading his words. I tried not to cry because Lynda was in front of me. I opened the little box and saw a beautiful ring in it. A ring with two big stones intertwined with each other.
"Is there something I need to know?" Lynda asked. At that moment I couldn't stop the tears streaming down my face. It was like all emotions from the past came back to me. I thought about the last time he gave me a ring, how I was so proud of wearing it. How I imagined being married to him. How I wanted to be his wife. How much I regretted some choices we made.
"It's from Ben, he gave it to me." I said with a shaky voice while she held me tight.
"That's very sweet of him." She smiled while she stroked my hair. She didn't ask any questions, as she knew I was not ready to tell more. I tried to stop my tears as the kids would be back soon. I walked to the bathroom and quickly fixed my make up. I admired the ring and decided to put it on my finger. I couldn't help thinking about the last ring he ever gave me. It was 17 years ago since I wore a ring again that was gifted by him. That was a crazy yet beautiful thought.

As soon as I said goodbye to the kids, I grabbed my phone to send him a message.
"The kids left with Lynda. I'm alone, you can call if you want."

I was more than ready to hear his voice again after so long. For the past days I had been neevous, but after this gift I felt different. It was like I had the confirmation that he was as much into this as I was. Not even two minutes later, my phone rang. I quickly looked and saw his name on my screen.

"Hi." I said in a low voice.
"Hi. He said with a little chuckle in his voice.
"I received your present. I dont know what to say. It's very beautiful. Thank you, Ben."
He softly laughed. It was a sound that I missed so much.

"You don't have to thank me. I wanted to give it to you. Jen, this is not a game, you know. I wanted you to know that I am serious about this. I know you might have to figure some things out but I am not going anywhere. I promise you that."

It was the determination in his voice that almost made me cry again. I wanted to speak, but it was like my voice didn't work. He definitely noticed that his words made me emotional.
"Sweetheart , I don't want you to cry. You deserve the best Jen, you know that. And I am proud that you left that toxic situation you were in."
I heard the madness in his voice and recognized the way he always used to protect me.

"Thank you. I appreciate your words." I softly said.

Even though it was after a long time, it immediately felt like we never stopped talking. The way he sounded so passionate about everything was something I really missed. He asked me about filming and told some stories about his journey too.
"George kind of noticed that I gave you a present."
I softly laughed. "How did he?"
"Well, he saw the ring and he started to guess who it was for. And you were the number one person he named."

I knew that people around us always had the idea of us getting back together, especially when one of was single. It only didn't happen often that we were both single at the same time.

"Well, Lynda and Benny also know. But it's not really that we are in this again already, right? So technically we are not hiding anything, yet."
He started to laugh.
"Jen, do you really think I would give you a ring without wanting to have you back?"
I smiled, but I didn't want him to know that.
"I don't know." I said.
"Well, then I will just say it. I want you back. If that was not clear enough for you already. But I respect your choice if you are not ready yet, but like I said before, I'm not going anywhere."

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