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I just finished my rehearsals in the studio, as I was surprised by Ben for pulling up at the front door. He decided to pick me up and his sudden appearance made me smile. I walked towards him as I greeted him with a long hug and kiss.

"I thought you were still at work." I said as I pulled back to look at him.
"I was, but I wanted to surprise you. And I planned a date night for us." He smiled at me.
"You did? I'm very curious now." I said with much excitement in my voice.

He made me smile like a teenage girl and my heart was bursting out of love for him.

"Come on, let's go." He grabbed my hand and opened the car door for me like he always did.

I knew that he wanted to cheer me up because of the last few days. We were both working on processing our emotions and thoughts from the last two decades. It wasn't an easy process, and oftentimes it took a lot of energy from the both of us. Therefore, it was also important to make enough time for each other to do fun things.

He played some beautiful songs in the car while he was driving to our destination. His right hand was on my thigh while I put my hand on his. It were his little movements of affection that always brought out the butterflies within me.
After a drive of twenty minutes, we arrived at our favorite restaurant. I gave him a grateful smile while he offered his hand to help me out of the car.

We had a nice dinner and enjoyed each other's company. After dinner, he surprised me by taking me to a special place, which was his house. I had never been to his house before, so it was the first time I got the chance to see it. We oftentimes stayed in my Bel Air house, since it was more private. But now it was finally time for me to enter his house.

"Welcome to my paradise." He joked as he guided me inside. It looked beautiful and modern. It was a typical man's house, but at the same time I could feel the coziness that he put into the house.

"I really like it." I said while he was holding me close in his arms.

He guided me to every corner in the house. When we were about to enter the master bedroom, he suddenly stood behind me and put his hands in front of my eyes. I assumed that he wanted to surprise me by what I was about to see. As he slowly opened the door, he moved his hands in front of my eyes and allowed me to look. I saw that his room was very romantically decorated. It looked absolutely beautiful, and I couldn't believe the effort he did.
The bed was decorated with rose petals, he lightened up some candles and the thing that melted my heart most was that there were framed pictures of us everywhere.

"Ben, that's so beautiful." I said with emotion in my voice.

I walked towards our pictures on the side table. There were some new onces, but most of them were from 2002 and 2003. He also added a picture of me with the twins, which really touched me. His hand was around my waist while we both admired the pictures.

"I love you so much." I said while I turned around to watch him. He smiled at me and gave me a kiss.
"I love you too." He whispered.

I slowly kissed him and opened his shirt while I felt his hands moving on my body. He gasped as I removed his shirt from his body. He was ready to take the lead again, but I didn't let him. I slowly pushed him towards the bed and took place on top of him. He looked at me with passion in his eyes, and was clearly enjoying what I was doing.
I removed my shirt and threw it next to the bed, and did the same with my pants. I started to kiss his body as I admired every inch of it.

He begged me to not stop and to continue my movements. The feeling of being in control was turning me on, and I really liked that position.
Most of the times he was the dominant one, but for once in a while I also liked it to be different.

"You're making me crazy." He said while he was still gasping and moaning under my touch. His hands were moving from my hair to my back. I liked his slow touches, it was like electricity on my body. I slowly moved on top of him, which caused an indescribable feeling for him.

He pulled up to sit down with me still being on top of him.
He was slowly pulling my hair to kiss my neck while I moaned under his touches. He knew every sweet spot of mine which caused electrifying feelings within me.

I felt that he couldn't hold himself anymore, and suddenly his strong arms were putting me down on the bed. He was ready to take over. I enjoyed every movement and feeling as he was topping me. It was nice to be in charge for a moment, but I remembered again how much it turned me on when he was leading me. He gave me full enjoymenent on every spot on my body, which was something that no one else ever did to me.

"You wanna watch a movie?" He whispered in my ear while I still felt the shivers in my body that he was causing to me.
"I just want to watch you instead, if that's alright." I whispered while I admired his pretty face.
He giggled while he played with my hair.

"Round two it is." He laughed.
"Okay, but I first need to take a breath." I said while I looked at his playful face.
"Don't tell me I worn you out." He laughed.

"You kind of did. But I'm not complaining."

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