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Searching for a new house was a journey full of obstacles. Somehow we still didn't manage to find the perfect place for our perfect blended family. We wanted to have enough space, but it also needed to feel right to us. And sadly that wasn't the case right now, which resulted in us still living in two houses each week. During the week Ben stayed at my house in Bel-Air, and in the weekends the coconuts and I stayed at his house in Brentwood to be with the whole family. But our ultimate goal was of course to have a place of our own, one we would create together. Our first real house.

"Little, don't worry, we'll figure it out." Ben whispered while he pressed a kiss on my forehead. Apparently my mood showed that I was not happy with the situation.

I sighed. "I know, I just can't wait to have a perfect place of our own, one that we created together."

He gave me a lopsided smile and pulled me closely to his chest.

"I know, me too. But once we have that place, I'm sure that the wait was all worth it. Until then, we can enjoy the excitement that our current situation gives us. I mean, having intimate moments in different places is also kind of fun to me."

He always managed to make me smile, whatever the situation was.

"Let's go upstairs, we need to take the kids to school tomorrow." I said while reaching out for his hand after standing up from the couch.

"No, come here." He said with a mischievous smile.

I ended up sitting on his lap while facing him. I always admired the beauty of his face, by tracing my fingers on every spot. I couldn't help to kiss every part of his face, which made him shy.

"You're face is so pretty, you're so handsome." I giggled.

He started to trace his fingers underneath my shirt while I still kissed him everywhere on his face. His touches gave me goosebumps, and were by far the best feeling I had ever experienced. He fastly switched positions and made me lay down on the couch while he climbed on top of me. He delicately kissed my neck while I put my arms around him. Feeling his strong body on top of me was something I could never get used of. It turned me on, and at the same time made me feel safe.

I slowly opened his shirt and revealed each part of his chest by every move that I made. I was still in awe of his body, it didn't matter that I was so lucky to see it everyday.

"I love you." He whispered.

I smiled. "I love you too."

We were both enjoying each other's company, but it was clear that we weren't enjoying the location. The couch was not as comfortable as our bed, and although we were both very creative in having intimate moments in every place possible, there was no better place than the bed.

"I don't want to break this off, but I think we should move to the bed." He whispered.

"Okay, are you afraid we magically will get snapped by one of the kids?" I giggled.

"That too." He chuckled.

He slowly stood up while reaching for my hand. As I grabbed it, he impulsively took me into his arms while getting his way upstairs. I chuckled because of his unexpected action, while still being in awe of his strong physique.
Before I could realize it, he moved the both of us to the bed, where he got on top of me again. I felt his breathing in my neck, while I could also feel his excitement growing.

"Let me help you getting relaxed." He whispered.

I sighed while enjoying the feeling of him getting inside of me. He slowly moved on top of me, while I let out gasps. Everytime we were making love, I couldn't help thinking about what could have been. I remember how back then I always used to wish to get pregnant by him. It was all I ever wanted, and all I could think of. Having a mini version of us was a dream that was supposed to become reality, but it didn't. All we had was a moment of happiness, an idea that almost became reality. The thought of holding our son in our arms was one that kept me alive for a long time.

But now, when he was making love to me, I tried to forget about the thing I used to wish. I just tried to enjoy the feeling of being loved by him, of being in his loving arms. Of feeling his touch and presence. I tried to forget about what I really wanted, what I had always hoped for. Just because it wasn't our reality anymore. But it was hard to let it go. So hard.

"Babe, are you okay?" He whispered.

I gasped.

"Hm, yes." I smiled.

He looked at me with a concerned face.

"You sure? What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" He sweetly asked.

"No." I whispered. "It's okay."

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