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Ben and I finally managed to find our dream house. The moment we walked in, we felt that this was the exact place we had been looking for. It took quite some time, but finally it was all worth it. I was also feeling a lot better, so the timing of finding our new love nest couldn't have been any better. It was big enough for our family, and the most important thing is that our privacy was fully secured.

"I'm so happy." I smiled while we both stood in the middle of the living room.

"Me too."

We walked over to each other while we held each other tight. I couldn't believe this was our first real house together. One we picked together, one we would create together.

"Let's go upstairs again." He said.

I grabbed his hands while he was leading me to the stairs. I already could imagine us living here, and the thought of it made me really excited.

"This is where the magic will happen." Ben joked while walking towards the master bedroom.

I sweetly smiled at him while he opened the door. The room was already beautiful decorated. It had a modern, warm style. Although we would make some small changes, it was already a dream room.

"I can't believe this is ours. I can't wait to wake up to you every day in this bed. In this room." I smiled at him.

He looked deeply into my eyes before pressing a kiss on my lips.

"I think we should try the bed." He said with a mischievous smile before turning around to look at the bed.

Before I knew it, I felt how he pulled me closer. His arms surrounded my waist while I rested mine on his shoulders. Our kisses were passionate, like it was the first time that I felt his lips on mine. He slowly undressed me, as my breathing got faster underneath his touch. We weren't this intimate for a while, which caused that I felt more and more tension throughout my body. His hands were soft, his kisses were sweet and I remembered again why I was so addicted to the feeling of him touching me.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered.

He made me shy, but in a good way. He was the only one that had that effect on me. He touched me so sweet, so softly, yet I felt his dominance which I liked. He moved us to the bed, where he got on top of me. I gasped because of his touches, while I moved my hands on his arms and shoulders. He moved his kisses from my neck, more down to my breasts. My breathing became faster, he knew exactly what he was doing to me.
He moved his way down, which caused me to feel shivers everywhere.

"Come here." I whispered while moving him again on top of me.

"What? Too sensitive?" He giggled.

I chuckled while I pressed my lips on his.

"Yes." I gasped. "See what your touches can do to me? One is enough, and I'm already on cloud nine."

We kept going for the rest of the night. We really made love for hours and hours. It was like we couldn't get enough of each other. Each touch resulted in more, like we were two magnets.
I had never experienced something like this with someone else, and I would definitely not believe that something like this was possible if I had never met Ben.

He pressed kisses on my neck, which made me giggle because of the touch of his beard on my face.

"You're still not tired?" I laughed.

"No." He said with a surprised voice.

"I know you still underestimate me, but I've proved enough that there it nothing wrong with me on this age, right?" He looked at me with a serious face.

"Baby, you really need to stop making jokes about your age. If it has proven one thing, it's that you've became only better and better. And I can tell, because the first time we slept together was more than twenty years go. And I know you won't believe me if I would say that I still remember every moment of that night, but I really do." I said with a serious face.

"You do?" He smiled.

"Of course I do, how can I forget? It was the first time you told me that you loved me. I would never forget that. Besides, I would definitely never forget seeing you naked for the first time." I chuckled.

"And so do I. I can still see your pink lingerie in front of me. And I remember how I took it off. And you know why? Not only because you were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, but also because it was the first time that I was actually nervous in bed."

"I can't believe that." I laughed.

"I mean it! I was terrified of disappointing you. But I made sure that you wouldn't know that. At least I tried. But I guess it worked."

"That's kind of cute."

"I'm not cute." He sighed.

"Yes, you are. But you are also sexy. And I just can't believe you're mine." I whispered.

I witnessed a shyness on his face, which made me smile. I couldn't believe I had that effect on him.

"My movie is coming out tomorrow. I wish I had never made it." He suddenly said.

"I know. But I'm proud of you, you know that right? And to me you could do as much press as you want to. I don't know how many times I have to say that I have no issues with it."

He smiled. "I appreciate it, baby. And I know that you don't have issues with it. I do like the movie.. but I am not that proud of it. Not that much that I want to promote it. And especially because I also don't feel comfortable by doing it. I already can't look at that poster of me and her. The only woman I want to be seen with is you. Maybe it doesn't make you uncomfortable, but it does to me."

"Honey, I appreciate your love for me, but being in this business.. you need to realize that at some point we're going to be close to other actors again. For work, of course."

"I know." He sighed. "But for now I don't want to think of that. I know this sounds like a huge red flag, but at this moment I can't imagine you being with another man. I had lived too long without you to share you." He said with a silly voice.

I laughed because of his confession of jealousy.

"I'm joking. But I'm also not." He chuckled.

"Don't worry, I can't think about kissing another man any time soon. Even if it is for work. So let's just not think about it." I laughed.
"Besides, seeing you with another actress would definitely make me jealous now." I confessed.

He giggled.

"Duh. I know."

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