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Ben picked the kids from school while I was busy in the kitchen. I was still getting used to the fact that he did so much when it came to taking care of the kids. It was not something I had ever asked for, but something he did out of himself. Seeing him as a father was amazing to witness. It was even better than I had ever imagined. Watching him with our kids made my heart melt in a way I couldn't explain. He teached me so much about parenthood without him even realizing it. As much as he enjoyed being a father, I could see how much all kids loved to be around him, even though they were all teenagers. He loves making doing fun things with them and taking them out. Moreover, he is less strict than I am, which off course makes him slightly more popular to our kids. But I didn't mind it at all.

Witnessing our kids together was something magical. All five of them had different characters, but also similarities. They were getting to know each other but it was all going easily. Ben and I are both happy that there are no difficulties. Two of our kids are even going to the same school now, which makes their relationship even stronger. Seeing them together made both me and Ben emotional. It was like our love didn't only brought us together again, but also let our kids connect to each other. Like they were meant to be in each others lives too.
Ben and I never had the opportunity to see our own baby grow and to raise him together. But we were both grateful that we had a blended family now and to still experience parenthood together. Maybe it wasn't in the way we always imagined it to be, but it was still amazing to experience. Our house is full of love.

We thought that it was time to invite our families and close friends for a little gathering. I didn't see his mom for almost two decades, and so did he with my family. They were asking us for weeks when they could come over. We were taking everything slow, but since the news is kind of out in public, we think it's time to take our relationship to the next level.
After our dinner in LA, the pics of us cuddling in front of the restaurant were published by the media. It's pretty clear for the world that we are back together again, although we didn't officially announced it. Ben and I don't want to rush the announcement since we are still enjoying the early days of our reconciled relationship.

"Hi baby." Ben came in and gave me a kiss. Our kids walked after him, and greeted me before they went to their rooms to get ready for our family dinner. It gave me and Ben some time to be alone.
"I missed seeing you like this." He embraced me from behind while he looked over my shoulder while I was still busy in the kitchen. I smiled at him while I feeded him a piece of chicken to taste.
"It's really good." He nodded.
"Yes. It really is." He laughed. "Don't act like you're cooking for the first time."
"Honey, I just want it to be perfect." I said.
He turned me around so that I could face him.
"Everyone's going to love it. And don't be nervous. Because I know you act like this because you feel some kind of tension in your body. But it's not needed." He reassured me.
"Why do you know me so well?" I smiled.
"Because I love you." He smiled and gave me a  kiss on my nose.

The kids were all ready for dinner. They all looked very nice which made my heart melt. I loved how they all put the effort in our little event.
I finished dinner, so it was time for me and Ben to get ready soon before our families and some of our friends would arrive. He walked after me as we found our way upstairs. This morning I had chosen what dress to wear, but now I was doubting again.
"Babe, do you like this one or this one?" I showed him a black dress and a red one.
"You were supposed to wear the red one right?"
"Yeah, but I don't know anymore." I said while I helplessly waited for his answer.
"Honest opinion? Right now I really would love to see you without any clothes on, but I think you should still go with the red one." He laughed.
"Okay. Let's put this one on then." I smiled as I turned around to put the dress on. Ben helped me with the zipper as I watched myself in front of the big mirror. He moved some hair away from my shoulder and pressed a kiss on the empty space.
"You're so pretty." He whispered.
I smiled as I turned around to face him. He had no shirt on, only his pants.
"So, is this going to be your outfit?" I asked with a smirk on my face.
"If you think it's okay." He looked at me with a funny face. We bought laughed and I gave him a kiss as I pulled him closer to me.
"I don't mind, but I think my parents will." I said while we bought were still laughing.

"You think we have time for a quick round?" He suddenly whispered in me ear.
"Ben." I laughed as I looked deeply in his eyes.
"Come on, I think we can be done in a few minutes. And it's a great manner to take away that nervousness you feel in your body ."
He looked at me with a seductive smile and pulled me closer while my back was pressed to the wall. His right hand was caressing my thigh and I felt how he was touching me between my legs to get me in the mood.
"Okay, quick then." I sighed. I must admit that seeing him without his shirt on was something I still couldn't resist.
He pressed his lips on my neck as I felt how he was moving my panties to the side. The moment he was about to open his pants, we heard loud voices from downstairs.
"Oh my God, Ben, they're already here."
He laughed in my ear and I felt that he was not about to stop with what he was doing.
"I'm sure the kids will handle our visitors. I first need to finish what I was starting." He gasped in my ear.
He completely pulled off my panties down my legs, and pulled my right leg high up to his hips.
He slowly entered me while we were both heavily moaning.

He was right, it didn't took long for us to finish what we started. We quickly fixed ourselves, as we walked downstairs like nothing had happened.

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