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I've been working on the production for my next movie for a few months now, together with Benny and Elaine. It was an intense project, namely because it was a kind of role did I never had played before. Although I was very excited in showing the audience a new side of me in 'The Mother'.

Ben was really helpful too, and was excited for me as I was. He was about to film his next movie too, in Texas. The prospect of us being busy filming again in different locations, relatively far away from each other, was both hard for us. Although we knew that it was part of our relationship, it was still not easy to be away from each other for a long time. Knowing this, we had to make clear schedules. Not only for us, but also for our kids. Having family time was our number one priority, no matter what.

I needed to film in Canada for a while. Normally, I was used to take the twins with me, while they did home schooling. I was about to do the same thing, until Ben interrupted me.

"Baby, I don't want to ask you to take care of them every day while I am gone. It's not on you. And you are busy yourself." I said to him while we were discussing the situation in the kitchen.
He sighned deeply, and grabbed my hand to pull me closer to him.

"Jen, I'm going to say this only one time to you. And I want you to listen carefully." He said with a serious voice.
I sighed while I still didn't find the courage to look at him.
"Look at me." He whispered.
I slowly removed my gaze to his eyes, and looked deeply into them. They stared at me full of love.
I started to feel overwhelmed by emotions.

"They want to stay with me. And I want to stay with them too. I will take care of them while you can stay focused on filming. And I don't want you to think that this is a burden to me, I already told you that I'm fully into this. We may not share the same blood, but I embraced them fully in my heart. And that will never change."

I smiled at him while I felt tears welling in my eyes. He softly wiped them away with his fingertips.

"They just came back to LA with you. They're just getting used to their schools, it's important for them to still have that stability. And they can have that with me while you will be gone. Jen, you don't need to do it all by yourself anymore. I want you to be very aware of that, or I'll need to keep reminding you of that." He continued, while he softly smiled at me.

I couldn't do anything else than to kiss him. He pulled me closer to him and embraced me in his arms.

He was right, the twins were excited to stay with him while I would be gone for work. Even though I knew they wiuld be in the safest hands possible, I still needed to get used to the fact that I was now actually with someone who wanted to be a present father figure to them. It was a whole switch of the idea of always being a single mother, and now having someone to rely on.

"We still have a few months to figure it all out." He whispered in my ear while he still held me closely in his arms.
"Yes, we do." I responded.
"So, stop overthinking and just live in the moment." He whispered.
"Okay, I'll try." I softly said.
He was right, I needed to stop over analyzing my own thoughts. It usually led to more stress and anxiety which is definitely not needed.

"Let me take some of that tension in your body away." He whispered before he started to kiss my neck. I felt how his strong hands were wandering over my whole body, ready to let me forget about all the thoughts that I had.

He slowly opened my blouse, as I felt it reaching the ground. His touches gave me goosebumps all over my body, it was the kind of magic that only he could create.

"I love you." I whispered in his ear.
"I love you too." He whispered back.

He gently moved me to the couch, and switched me to lay down on my stomach. He gently massaged my shoulders, and I felt how he pressed kisses on my whole back. I felt so good and relaxed, and most importantly showered with his love.

His love was overwhelming, but in a good way. It made me feel alive in times where I felt like drowning. He was the calmness in my storm, and knowing that he would be by my side forever was knowledge that gave me peace in any difficult time.

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