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"Okay, we're done!" The director shouted from far away as I was still in the moment of the scene.
My body was still shaking from the cold and the intensity of the scene that we were shooting. I closed my eyes before I tried to stand up again. I heavily sighed, feeling a little overwhelmed because of the emotions that I still felt throughout my whole body. I saw how Lucy ran to me and before I knew it I felt her arms around me, ready to give me a big hug. I smiled and held her close in my arms. It was nice having her around, and her energy made me happy.
"You did great!" I whispered in her ear.
"You too, Jen."

Today was an intense day, and I was ready to get into my bed. Not before I would call Ben and the kids, of course. I needed to speak to them at least twice a day to check if they were doing fine. So far, everything was going alright and they were very sweet to Ben. I could see how the three of them had much fun together and it made me happy to see them bonding. Lynda called today that she went to LA to visit Ben and the kids, since she needed to be there for work. she would take our mother with her so she could see Ben and the kids too. It was nice knowing that everything was being fine out there, and that I had someone I could fully lean on.

As I was showering, my mind was going back to the intense scene we did today. I felt every emotion of my character, and I was heavily invested in the story I needed to tell in this movie.
But it didn't take away that it was hard and overwhelming to feel like this almost all day, without feeling the arms of Ben around me when I was done shooting. I am sure that everyone on set could notice too how I was a little absent during the lunch breaks, and became quiet once we were not shooting. It was in those moments that I missed him around me, just to ask him what he thought about the scenes and just to be hold in his arms.

I took the towel and wrapped it as soon as possible around my body to not catch a cold. I fastly put body cream on me, grabbed my outfit which existed of jogging pants and a hoodie, and headed to do my skincare. As I was putting the different products on my face, someone was knocking at my door.

"Hi. Can I come in?"
It was Elaine who knocked on my door.
"Sure." I smiled.

Just before I was ready to close the door, an unexpected guest turned around and loosely grabbed my arm. My mouth was open because of the shock that I felt.

"Can I come in too?" He smiled at me as I kept on staring at him.
I couldn't believe that Ben was in front of me, here in Canada.
"What are you doing here?" I said with much disbelief in my voice while he was holding me.
"I wanted to see you." He whispered. "The kids are with Lynda and your mom for these two days. They really wanted me to be here with you, and off couse I wanted it too." He continued.

I smiled at him while the tears were rolling down my face. I couldn't believe that he made all this effort to be with me for two days.

"Elaine told me that tomorrow is the final scene. And I know it's a hard one. But I wanted to be here, to witness your greatness myself." He smiled at me.
I gave him a kiss and switched my look to Elaine.

"Did you know that he was coming?" I asked her with a funny voice.
"Yes. I basically begged him too, because you were clearly missing a part of you here. You were great, as always, but I'm sure you will even more great now with Ben being here for you."

I smiled at Elaine while Ben was still holding me in his arms.
"I'll let you two alone. I see you tomorrow on set." She said before she was heading back to her own trailer.
"See you tomorrow."

Ben soon lifted me in his arms so that I would be the same height as him. It was a move that he made whenever he needed to look deeply in my eyes, while holding me as close as possible.

"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too."

Tears were streaming down my face as I was still in disbelief that he was here with me. It was like I could finally let go of all the emotions that I felt from the past few days. It was a kind of tension in my body that I wasn't been able to release without feeling him next to me. He was the only person I could be vulnerable with, without being scared to show my insecurities. He knew all my strengths and weaknesses and was always able to support me in a way just by showing his love for me.

"Hey, you're doing great." He said while he positioned me on the bed and took place next to me. "I know that this role takes a lot from your energy and emotions, but it's because you can handle it and because everyone around here sees your greatness. You got this, little." He continued.

I smiled at him while he took me back in his arms. It felt so good to smell his scent again and to feel the warmth of his body.

"Thank you for being here." I whispered.
He smiled at me while he looked deeply in my eyes.
"I'm always with you."

I quickly gave him a tour inside of the trailer before he took a hot shower which he strongly needed after his flight. I unpacked his suitcase and put all his clothes in my closet. I also send a text to Lynda and my mom, telling them that I was grateful they wanted to watch the kids for a few days so Ben could be with me.

I positioned myself in bed, waiting for Ben to join me. I was already excited about the idea of not needing to sleep alone in this empty bed tonight.
I felt how my eyes became heavy when I felt him entering the bed. He had a long sleeved shirt on, with jogging pants. It was not something he usually did, but the cold was heavy on both of us.
He pressed a kiss on my forehead as I positioned myself on his chest, ready to fall in a deep sleep.

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