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Ben spend the night in my house in Bel Air. It was kind of exciting to switch places every other day, however we also were ready to search for our own house, one that would be perfect for our family. That was the reason why we were busy searching for potential houses on my iPad.
As we were lying down in bed, searching for possible houses, I noticed that Ben started to lose his attention and was more busy with moving his attention to me.

"Did I ever tell you about the moment I knew I fell in love with you." He said while he caressed my arm.
I giggled while I gave him a tender look.
"You probably did, but I guess you told me that story more than 18 years ago." I gave him a tender smile while I put my iPad away. I was
ready for him to tell me that story again.
"I remember when you came to the set. It was the first time we actually met, back in 2001. I obviously did my research about you, but I was nervous what to expect. But from the moment you walked in, you got my attention in a way that nobody else ever had."
I smiled because of the tender way he was telling his story.

"I knew in my heart that you were all that I wanted. But I also just wanted you to be happy, even if it wasn't with me. That was actually the first time I ever felt that way about someone." He continued.

"But then you had the chance" - I smiled.
He smiled back and gave me a kiss on my nose.
"And I'm grateful for that. For the first, and the second chance. But I knew from the moment that I saw you that I would fall in love with you. It's impossible not to. You entered the room with so much love and energy that you immediately got my attention."

"I think that I was fighting against the feelings that I had for you. I immediately knew that you were special to me, but I didn't wanted to admit it in the first place to myself. And I remember how I called you after we were done filming. I asked you to give me some space to fix the situation I was in."
"And then you called me back, after two weeks." He smiled.
"Yes, I did. And that was the start of us."

Thinking back about out our first relationship brought back many memories. I didn't realize that there were memories that I even put away, in order to try to not think about it. In the end it was an impossible task, since every memory was now clear to me again. It was like he brought back all the memories with his energy. I remembered little details about situations I didn't think of for almost 20 years.

"Remember the first time you came over to me, in New York while I was filming, and we were desperately hiding everywhere." I laughed.
"Yes, and it was all worth it. We always had that vibe with each other. That crazy love like we were teenagers." He chuckled.

He was right, being with him brought out the best version of me. He provided me that kind of freedom and safety that I needed in order to completely feel like myself. I didn't need to pretend who I was, because he already loved me for who I am. He didn't only needed to see the best version of me to love me, because he always cared for me no matter what.

"I can't believe we are looking for our first house together." I smiled.
"Me too."' He whispered as he kissed my head.
"Speaking about houses, I've a surprise for you." He continued.
I looked at him with a curious face. "What is it?"

He grabbed his phone from our side table, and showed me a beautiful house.
"We will go to this one tomorrow, I already planned a meeting with the broker."
"Really?" I smiled.
"Yes, I already thought you would like it. And it seems like a perfect catch."
"I can't wait." I said with an exciting voice.

I was touched by the idea of him looking at potential houses in his free time. It gave me a warm feeling to know that he was as excited for our new chapter as I was.

"I already promised you that this time would be different."
I looked up at him and gave him a tender smile.
"I know." I smiled.

"This time is our time. I'll make sure that all of our dreams of 20 years ago will be unlocked. And that all of our new dreams will come true." He said with determination in his voice. And I believed every word that he said. This time was our time, and nothing or nobody would come between that.

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