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His arms were wrapped around my body while I was feeling heated. I grabbed my phone to look at the time. It was only 3 am. I smiled by the look at his face and pressed a sweet kiss on his cheek. I tried to smoothly escape from his grip on my body, because I wanted to take off my clothes. I turned into a sitting position and removed my hoodie and pants. I threw them next to the bed and fastly wrapped my arms around his warm body.

"Not cold anymore?" He suddenly whispered in my ear.
"Baby? Did I wake you up? I'm sorry."
He smiled at me and pressed a kiss on my head.

"No, you didn't. But I had the same issue."
He fastly took off his clothes too, which gave me a perfect chance to admire his body.

"I missed you." He whispered.

He passionately kissed me while he was hanging above my face. His hands were sweetly going through my hair while I enjoyed his lips on mine.
At one point we were both gasping for air, but not ready yet to stop the kiss. I felt how his hand wandered towards my lower belly and slowly found its way between my legs. I smiled at him while he moved his kisses from my lips to my neck. I kept caressing his back while I enjoyed the pleasure that he gave me. It was insane how much I missed him these past few days. I literally became addicted to his touch from the moment he entered my life again, and I might was never recovered from it.

He slowly moved his way down between my legs. I was already aware what was going to happen, yet I was never really ready for it. I grabbed the pillow next to me and put it on my face in order to cover all the possible sounds I would make, resulting from the full pleasure he gave me. I strongly took hold on the sheets while I felt his breath on my inner thighs and legs. It was a sensational feeling, one that only he was able to give me. I felt how he took my panties off and started to work his way down. I couldn't stop my moaning sounds, which slightly made him giggle. His lips and tongue gave me a magical feeling, and the feeling of his beard on my skin made my body tingle.

I moved my hand to the top of his head and played with his hair, it was a sign that I was ready for him to move on top of me again. He got the sign, but not before kissing my whole body on his way to my face again.

"You're so good at it." I giggled.
He pressed a kiss on me lips.
"Yeah, i know." He said with a naughty look on his face.

It were in those little moments where I realized why I was so madly in love with him. He always managed to make me smile, and his attraction worked like magic. Had a certain dominance in his body language which I really liked, along with always being gently and sweet. He was a great lover, and he always knew how to please me besides letting me please him. It was a perfect balance and one I was always desperately craving for.

I felt how he slowly entered my body. Gentle, but also in a dominant way. He whispered in my ear how much he wanted me, and how much he waited for this moment to happen again. The way he expressed his feelings in such an intimate moment was a huge turn on. It made me realize how deep his feelings were, and it felt good to know that he wanted to be with me so bad as much as I wanted to be with him.

I switched positions and moved myself on top of him. A sweet smile appeared on his face when he admired my body.

"I know I already said this a million times, but you're so beautiful." He smiled.
I smiled back at him and gently started to kiss him. His hands were caressing my back and it immediately gave me goosebumps. It was also because of the cold that my body was slowly starting to shake again. He noticed it, and started to kiss my neck.

"Ready for round two? I need to keep you warm." He jokingly said.

He didn't need to say much more, since I was still craving for his touch and his feeling inside of me. He switched me on my belly and took place behind me as I felt how he pressed kisses on my back. He moved my hair to the side and kissed my nape. He entered me from behind while kissing me, in order to shut down my moans. He was a little rough with me, but that was the way I wanted it now. He could perfectly sense what I wanted without needing to ask for it. It was the way he always perfectly knew my body which made him the most amazing one to me. It didn't take long before we both reached our climax and peacefully were laying down next to each other.

I still couldn't believe that he was the one I was making love to again, after so many years. It was a indescribable and perfect feeling, and it felt like I was still dreaming. I nestled myself on his chest, before he covered our bodies with the soft, thick blanket.

We immediately fell asleep again, tired but beyond satisfied.

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