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After a long day of taking walks, doing groceries and preparing for dinner, it was time for us to relax. This time, Ben was about to join me in the hot tub. I watched him taking his clothes off. He did it slowly, allowing me to enjoy the view for a longer time.
"Come in here, you're going to catch a cold." I laughed.
He smiled while entering the tub. I immediately turned to him, the backside of my head resting on his chest. He held me close in his arms.
"You never asked me why I really emailed you." He said.
I chuckled. "Was there a real reason?"
"Off course there was. I knew you were unhappy."
I turned around to face him. He looked at me with his sweet eyes.
"I was. But I didn't want to face it." I explained.
"I know you didn't. But you deserve to be happy. And it was hurting me to see you that way, with someone that wasn't making you happy."
He was right, I did deserve better. But after so many failed relationships I started to settle for less. Even though I didn't want that for myself, or my children.
"You know if I'll see him I'll punch him." He said.
"Ben.." I signed.
He ensured me that he didn't mean it. "But if he does say something about you I will."
"No, baby, I don't want any drama. And besides, I can protect myself." I said while I played with his hair.
"I know you can. And I know you don't need me to take care of you. But I'm still going to do it. Always."
I smiled. That was what I loved about him. And why I fell in love with him the first time.

After a long hour in the tub, he grabbed us some towels and our bathrobes. He gently dried my whole body and took me inside to our room.
"What?" I chuckled when I noticed him looking at me while I put some body lotion on my body.
"Nothing. You're just so beautiful." He said.
I walked towards him while I surrounded my arms on his neck.
"You are so handsome too." I smiled. "And sweet."
He started to kiss my neck.
"Let me help you with this." He took the body lotion from my hand and gently pushed me to lay down on bed. I turned on my belly while I felt his hands on my shoulders and back. His hands felt gentle and strong. I closed my eyes while enjoying the moment to the fullest. He started to go further, moving to my hips and legs. I even felt  his lips kissing my shoulders and back. I smiled.
"Don't distract yourself." I laughed.
"I can do nothing about it. You're distracting me."
I slowly turned around, knowing that my body was in full display for him.
"What? You're not going to put the lotion here?" I pointed at my breasts and belly while he started to laugh.
"Yes, I will."

He took his tasks seriously while I was still enjoying every moment of it. But when he touched my tights, I couldn't hold myself anymore.
"Okay, come here." I pulled him by his shoulder and brought him closer to me. His whole body made me irresistibly weak. It was like I couldn't do anything to withhold the attraction I felt towards him.
"I thought I wasn't supposed to get distracted." He whispered.
"This is also part of your assignment.." I said.
He laughed and started to kiss me.

Being with him felt familiar again, yet different.
I felt weak underneath his touch, like I could immediately explode out of adrenaline. I decided to switch positions and was sitting on top of him.
He caressed my back and stroked my hair while I continued kissing him. I could see how he enjoyed what I was doing, and it made me feel good too. He moaned in my ear, and that was the moment I started to lose it.
"Keep going, baby." He said.
I did what he said while I tried to keep going. He looked deeply in my eyes and it was the most connected I felt to him after a long time. He switched positions again and moved on top of me.
We were both heavily breathing while he continued to look deeply in my eyes. The pleasure was so insane that I couldn't manage to keep my eyes open.
"Look at me." He whispered.
I slowly started to look at him, while I was clearly still enjoying what he was doing.
"You know how I like when you look at me." He said.
"Yeah." I moaned.
"That's to remind you that you're only mine."
"Im yours." I said.
He smiled and kissed my forehead.
"You are."

We fell asleep after a heavy night full of action. It was like old times, but even better. I knew that the two of us created a lot of passion in the bathroom, but I didn't expect those feelings to be even more intensified by this age. Ben laughed about my thoughts.
"I can't believe you were underestimating my abilities." He laughed.
"I didn't."
"You were." He looked at me with a funny face.
"No, I just didn't expect it to be like this." I laughed.
"Like what?" He asked.
"I don't know.. to it being even better I guess." I got shy and he noticed my face.
"That's on you, because you're even more sexy now. So, it's not hard for me at all to keep going all night."
I laughed. "Don't think this will be an every day thing."
He looked at me with a surprised face. "I know it will."

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