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Ben plannend a surprise trip for us before we were heading our way home back to LA after filming for days in Canada. He announced that we would go somewhere for two days, just to have some quality time. Having enough time for ourselves was something that we both valued a lot, and wanted to frequently have, without kids or work being involved. It was one of the 'rules' that we had, because we learned from the past how important it was to not lose sight of each other.

We were both tired so decided to take a nap in the jet. Ben surrounded his arm around me while I took place on his chest. Our legs intertwined with each other.

"Babe, is there any way you will tell me where we are going?" I asked.

He chuckled and pressed a kiss on my head.

"Nope. You have to wait. I know that you don't like surprises, but it won't take long before you will see where we are going." He said.

I decided to not ask further questions, even though I was still very curious.
I tried to take a nap, which was not working either. Ben noticed that I was restless, because I noticed how he kept on caressing my back and slightly touched my butt to calm me down. His touches turned me on, but this was not the place to get something started.

"Baby, don't start something you can't finish." I whispered.

He chuckled and kept on caressing my back.

"Who said I can't?" He whispered in my ear.

His wild fantasies where a huge turn on, and something I really liked about him even though I didn't always want to admit to it.
He started to kiss my cheek, and slowly removed his kisses to my neck. I felt how his free hand took place on my belly and gently touched me. His gentleness made me smile and kept on sending me shivers all over my body.

"We can't." I whispered while I was trying to hide a moan.

"I can." He whispered back.

He looked deeply into my eyes which made it already evident for me that he wasn't going to stop.

His hand was moving down to my underwear and before I could realize it, I felt how his fingers were gently touching me. My breathing was getting faster and faster, but he was making sure that my sounds stayed as quiet as possible.

"Ben, you're.... crazy." I whispered.

He laughed and moved his lips to mine to kiss me slowly. I was still amazed by the lover that he was, since nobody else ever managed to make me feel this way. His bad boy side made it impossible for me to resist him, even if I would want to. But that made him even more attractive to me, and I was sure that he was very aware of that.

As soon as I reached my climax, I tried to relax again in his embrace. We were both in a silly mood after our adventurous moment.

"Mile high club is our thing, right." He chuckled.

"Ben!" I looked at him with a surprised face while we both bursted out of laughter.

"Don't be so shy, baby." He continued.

I tried to look at him with a serious face, but in the end the only look I could give him was one full of love.


"Babe, we're here. Wake up." He whispered.

I slowly opened my eyes, and found him smiling at me. Seeing his happy face was always the best way to wake up to. I smiled back at him and was immediately excited to get out of the jet.

"Finally." I said while I gave him a kiss.

He helped me to get out the jet, and I immediately recognized where we were. He brought me to Boston.

I turned around to look at him as he pulled me closer into his embrace.

"I thought it was time to bring you back here. We had an amazing time here, 18 years ago." He whispered in my ear.

He was right. This place was special for both of us. Not only because he grew up here, but also because of the magical moments we had shared. I remember how he used to show me the whole city and the history of his life. Telling me all the amazing stories that he had, and introducing me to his old friends. It was a part of him that I didn't knew about, but which he wanted me to know.
But the most magical moment was the day that he proposed to me in his old house. It was the best day of my life, and a moment that I had kept in my heart forever.

"Thank you for bringing me back." I whispered in his ear while tears were streaming down my face. I couldn't put into words why it made me emotional to be here back again, but he didn't need words to see that those were tears of gratefulness and happiness.

He took my hand as we walked towards the car, ready to continue our journey together. He played the music we used to listen to, and held my hand while he was driving. It was the most magical moment I had in years. It felt so peaceful, and I felt so whole. Like every peace of pain that I had experienced in the past was taken away from me. Being here with him besides me was where I always belonged, and that was something that had never changed. It was like I was back in time again, like it was always this way and that nothing had ever changed. He made it possible for me to feel this way, to gave me the peace that I needed.

"I love you."' He said while he looked deeply into my eyes.

"I love you more." I whispered.

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