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We were ready for our first date night outside the house in LA. We were aware of the fact that paparazzi might be there to photograph us, but we both discussed that we wouldn't let it stop us for enjoying our night. The media already noticed that he got picked up by my escalade, so honestly there was not much to hide for anymore.
Ben was sitting on my bed while he watched me picking an outfit. I was too much in doubt what to wear.
"This one or this one?" I showed him two different dresses.
"I like them both. And I want you to wear what you feel like." He said.
"Okay." I signed and put them both back in the closet to grab some jeans and a blouse.
He laughed. "Comfy it is?"
"Yes." I smiled.
"You look beautiful in everything you wear."
I put the outfit on, and picked some high heels to wear.
"Let me help you with those." He insisted.
I smiled and took place on the bed. He kneeled in front of me and helped me putting my heels on. It was in that moment how I realized again how lucky I was for having him.
"Feels like old times." I said.
He looked up to me with the brightest smile.
"Yes, it does."

He helped me putting my coat on.
"Ready for our first date night after 18 years?" He laughed.
"I am. Are you ready?"
"More than ever." He gave me a short but sweet kiss and grabbed my hand as we started to walk to the car. He looked insanely good in his leather jacket and I felt the butterflies in my body like crazy.

He put his hand on my thigh while he was driving.
"Are you nervous?" He asked.
"No, I'm not. I look forward to our date. I looked at him with a big smile.
"Me too." He said.
Once well stepped out the car, we already noticed some photographers outside. We knew that they would take pictures of us, and we already knew about the storm that would cause.
Protected as he is, Ben took my hand and lead me towards the restaurant. Once we were almost in, I cuddled up towards his chest. He pulled me closer under his arm while my head was resting partly on his chest and shoulder.
"I know that they just shot some pictures. But we're still going to enjoy our night, okay?" Ben whispered in my ear.
I gave him a lopsided smile. "Yes, of course."

Luckily, we had enough privacy in the restaurant. The staff made shower we had a quiet place, so we were able to sit there for ours. I remember how we never really had a lot of these nights during the first time we were together. People always went too crazy on us, which made it even more impossible for us to enjoy a night together. Sitting here with him felt like a fresh new start, a new beginning that we both needed.

"Maybe it's too soon, but what do you think about living together when you're fully ready to move back to LA?" Ben asked.
Off course I already thought about how we would manage our living situations, so I wasn't really surprised by his question.
"I thought about it this week. I want to search schools for the kids as soon as possible, hopefully they still can get it."
Ben smiled and reached for my hand. "It's going to be alright. And I'll help you with everything."
"Thank you."

The kids were already asleep when we were back home.
"Ben, about what you asked earlier, I do want to search houses together. As soon as possible."
He smiled and walked towards me to take me into his embrace.
"I can't wait." He whispered. "But for now I'm also kind of enjoying this.."
I looked at him with a surprised face.
"I mean, doing it in multiple houses or places is kind of exciting."
I laughed while continuing to embrace him.
"Ben, you're crazy."
"Yes, I am. About you."
I looked at him with a admiring face while he started to take off my clothes. I felt his hands all over my body, while his lips pressed kisses everywhere.
"I'm glad the world got to see that you're mine. Again." He whispered in my ear. Hearing him saying that made turned me on and made me feel proud at the same time.
"And I'm forever going to be." I said.
He smiled as he gently pushed me on the bed.

"I can't believe you're back in my arms." He whispered in my ear.
I felt the same way. Having him around me still felt very unreal.
"I used to dream about having you again, making love to you again. And here you are. With me." He continued.
I smiled as I pulled him closer to me.
"Just don't ever leave me again." I whispered.
"Never. Don't even think about it." He said.

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