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I was busy filming a music video in Miami, which meant that Ben and I initially would be apart for a couple of days. However, he just called me to say that he arrived in Miami, which was a pleasant surprise. He made it possible to come over for a couple of days to surprise me. I was so happy to know that he would be with me, since I missed him so much. My mom would watch the kids, so he could spend a few days with me. I was also relieved that he would be in Miami with me, because I wanted to feel more protected instead of being here on my own. The thought of my ex being here didn't make me feel good, and I think that Ben knew that.

Ben really enjoyed watching me filming the scenes for the music video. He even helped giving some directions, and I often asked him which outfit he liked more. He would say back that it wasn't on him to give me advice, but I still valued his opinion.

As we went back to the hotel, I received a package with new lingerie.
"What's that?" He asked with a curious voice.
"I think it's new lingerie, there's a new brand that asked me to try some things on."
He looked at me with a mischievous grin on his face.
"I'm sure I can give some advice about that."
I laughed as I watched him taking place on our hotel room bed.

I unpacked the lingerie from the box. There was a red set and a black set, but I kept that as a secret for him. The sets were both beautiful and I really liked the lace and the special details on it. I watched how Ben stared at me, already ready for the show I would give him.
"Let's go." He said.

I laughed while I slowly took of my shirt and pants. He looked at me while he bit his lower lip.
I took my lingerie off, and put the black set on. The heat in the room was clearly evident. I enjoyed seducing him, since he always enjoyed teasing me too.
"How does it look?" I asked while I was turning around for him.
He nodded while he looked at me with a big smile.
"Very sexy." He responded. "You look insanely hot and beautiful. I can go on and on, but you know that. Guess it's time for the next one."
"Okay, but I will come with a surprising introduction for this one." I said.
He looked at me with a curious face while I walked to the bathroom.

I quickly changed the black set for the red set and took one of his white shirt to wear. I loved how his shirt got his smell on it. After I was done, I seductively walked out the bathroom as I slowly moved in front of the bed. He looked at me with staring eyes, curious what I was wearing below the shirt.

I slowly opened the buttons of his white shirt that I was wearing.
"I've never seen my shirt looked that good."
I giggled while the red bra was already visible for him. I loved seeing his surprised face, as I slowly removed the whole shirt from my body.
He couldn't hold himself anymore, and I felt how he pulled me closer to him and let me fall on the bed. We both laughed.
"Seducing you is so easy. The only thing I need to do is to wear some red lingerie." I giggled.
"Yeah, that's really my weakness." He whispered in my ear while I felt his lips on my neck.

He slowly turned me around and took my bra off. He threw it away next to the bed.
"A little more respect for that beautiful bra, mr. Affleck." I said while I gave him a side eye.
He chuckled as he continued to kiss me.
He gently pulled my hair elastic as he liked it when my hair was loose. I liked his dominance, he was the only one that gave me that kind of passionate love which I really adored. He liked being in charge and I had no problem with letting him.

"You smell so good." He whispered in my ear while he was still kissing my whole body.
"We didn't even take a shower yet." I giggled.
"We can do that later."
He was right. We were both enjoying this moment too much.
"I'll make you sweat anyway." He continued.
I laughed as I switched our positions and took place on top of him.
"I think I can make you sweat more."
It was in that moment that I could finally take the lead, which I enjoyed from time to time.

I was right, he was the one who was more tired after our moment full of action. We both took a shower and took place in our bed. He immediately felt asleep, which I thought was kind of cute. Watching him being asleep was peaceful. He was always busy during the day, especially by the way he was always talking, that it became very quiet when he was asleep.

I slowly kissed his cheek as I snuggled up towards his body. The warmth of his body was something I was always craving for. I was grateful for having him by my side, so I fully enjoyed the moment. I took a deep breath to smell his scent and I closed my eyes and smiled. I loved him so much, that it was oftentimes too much for me to handle. It was like my body was bursting out of love for him. I would do anything for him, and it was also a scary thought. I never believed that it was even possible to love someone this much as I loved him. As I might loved myself. Having that kind of love was something beautiful, but also something vulnerable. He really had my heart in his hands.

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