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Ben's strong arms were surrounding me from behind while I slowly opened my eyes. His protective grip on my body made me smile, and I couldn't help pressing a kiss on his hands.

"Good morning." He softly said.

"Good morning, baby."

He slowly turned me around and pressed a kiss on my cheek. He was already fully dressed-on, which made me wonder what he was up to, since I didn't notice that he already was awake before me.

"Congratulations with the twins." He smiled.

Today marked the birthday of my coconuts, and I honestly couldn't believe that they were so big already. I still remember the day they were born, and how small they were.

"Thank you, baby. Congratulations to you too."
He smiled and pulled me closer to him. Much words were not always needed on moments like this. It was already evident that all I needed was to feel him close to me.

"I can't believe that they turned out to be so grown up already, you know, it feels like they don't need me that much anymore.. I just want to be there for them in the best way possible. I hope that I'm doing that alright." I whispered.

He smiled at me while he softly caressed my cheek.

"Baby, you were born to be a mom. From the moment I met you, I knew you would be a great one. It's no wonder why I immediately wanted to have a baby with you." He chuckled.
"The kids love you, and appreciate everything that you do for them. And always did for them. You know that." He continued.

I softly nodded while a tear escaped from my eyes. I was so grateful to share moments like this with Ben now, and that we had the ability to experience these special days together after losing so many years.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you.. I of course bought presents for them, but I have a special one that I just picked up, that's why I was already awake. I didn't want to wake you."

My curiosity grew as I looked at him with a surprised face.

"Okay, you may will have your own opinion about it, and I might should have discussed it with you.. but I got that cat for them."

I sighned, but my face revealed that I could never be mad at him. He knew what my opinion on cats was, but I also knew how happy it would make the kids. And deep down I thought this was the cutest gesture ever.

"Okay, can you already show me the cat?" I smiled.

He nodded and fastly walked away just to come back with our new family addition. I laughed because of the adorable sight of Ben holding the cat.

"Do you want to hold him?" He whispered.

"No, baby. I think he likes you more." I chuckled.

"I'm sure you will open your heart for him, and walk away with him any time soon." He smiled.

I was sure that wasn't going to happen, but I couldn't lie that our new family addition looked adorable. And I was sure that it was a great gift, since the kids were begging to both of us if they finally could have a cat.

"I think you should show them their present, I'm sure you will be the favorite parent now." I chuckled.

He laughed and pressed a kiss on my cheek.

"I just want their day to be special, and that they feel loved. Not only by you, but also by me. That's important to me."

I smiled at him while tears were welling in my eyes. Being a present father was so important to him, and knowing that the twins have him in their lives now made me feel extremely grateful. I knew that they were in good hands with him, and that he would give them as much love as I always gave to them. Seeing him being a father made me love him even more, and I didn't even know that it was possible to do so. He was so sweet and supportive towards our kids, and exactly knew how he needed to interact with them. It was something I learned a lot from, and I really looked up to him in that way.

I followed Ben when he made his way down to their rooms, ready to introduce them to our new family member. And I was right, today he was their favorite parent. And the sight of the three of them made me feel the happiest I had ever been.

The kids were in love with Hendrix, our new cat, and to be honest.. I kind of liked him too.

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