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Ben's strong arms were surrounding my body as we entered our trailer. We didn't say much, as I was still full of emotions resulting from the whole day of filming. He knew exactly what I needed, which was just his presence in this moment. He always knew what to do or say, without me needing to explain anything. It was something that went automatically, because he knew me better than anyone else.

He closed the door behind us and grabbed my wrist to slowly turn me around. He tenderly looked at me, and softly caressed my face. I closed my eyes while I enjoyed his touch on my skin. He embraced me and pulled me closely to his chest. It was the best feeling.

"Take your clothes off, I'll make you a bath."
He whispered in my ear.

I pulled back and tenderly looked at him while I gave him a little smile out of gratefulness.
He kissed my nose before he walked to the bathroom to make me a bath.
I took my clothes off, but my whole body was shaking because of the cold. Ben noticed that the process of taking my clothes off wasn't going fast, so he decided to help me after he turned the water on.

He slowly took off my shirt while still holding me close. Then he opened my pants and helped me to remove it. He let my hair loose while he helped me entering the bath. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, while I felt him massaging my shoulders. It was the best feeling, words weren't needed at that moment. It was just me and him.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear.

I smiled hearing those words. It made my heart melt every time he said it to me. It made me incredibly happy knowing that he loved me, and took care of me. Even if I didn't need his help, he was there for me. Just because he loves me.
He helped me out of bath and wrapped a towel over my body. I felt safe and vulnerable in his arms, and it was a side of me that only he had witnessed so far. I never let anyone take care of me the way he always did. He loved showering me with all his love and letting me know that I was in safe hands. And it was the best feeling.

He handed me my clothes, but instead of taking it from him I started to kiss him deeply. I felt how he was surprised by my sudden move, but it didn't stop him from kissing me back. He took me into his arms and slowly moved me to the bed where I softly landed on. He took a moment to look deeply in my eyes while removing some baby hairs out of my face. He marveled at the sight of me underneath him, and it gave me shivers all over my body.

He slowly moved his kisses to my neck while his hands were caressing my whole body.

"Are you cold?" He whispered.

I nodded. Even though we were in Canada, he made the trailer hot. I felt how he took place between my legs, ready to send shivers all over my body. I gasped at the feeling of him inside of me, it always felt like the first time again even though it was far from the first. He took it slow, always wanting me to adjust to the feeling. Although his carefulness was not that much needed since he already got me in the mood. I heavily breathed in his mouth, knowing how much that turned him on. He was gentle and loving, it was exactly the way I wanted it to be.
His breathing became fast, and I felt how he reached his climax but not before I reached mine. I strongly hold on to his shoulder while I enjoyed the feeling of him on top of me.

He held me closely in his arms and pulled me m to his chest. The only sound I heard was the beating of his heart.

"I wish we could stay like this forever." I whispered.

I felt how he kissed my head while he caressed my arm.

"Me too." He said.

We stayed like that for a while until he broke the silence again.

"I know filming that end scene was hard for you, but you were so amazing. And I'm happy I can finally witness it again while being by your side. And not from afar."

His words touched my heart and all I could do was to look deeply in his eyes. The eyes that always looked at me with so much love and hope in it. Like I could handle the whole words with him by my side.

"Thank you for being there for me." I whispered.

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