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It was in the middle of the night when I suddenly felt his arm surrounding my waist . He pulled me closer, while he pressed his nose in my hair. His movement woke me up, but I didn't mind.
"Sorry." He whispered.
"For what?" I questioned.
"For waking you up."
I gave him a little smile. "I don't mind."
It was in that moment when I realized it was too late to hold ourselves. We moved closer to each other. I could feel his breath on my face, his scent made me so weak. I caressed his arm that was surrounding my waist. I slowly felt his lips moving to mine. I kissed him back. The electricity that I felt in my body was insane. It was a simple kiss, but it did so much to me. He slowly pulled back to look at me, and then caressed my face with his fingertips. There was something so romantic about this moment since it was in the middle of the night. We were both awake, like we really couldn't believe we were sleeping next to each other again.

"I don't want to go too fast, but I also want you to know." He said.
"What do you want me to know?" I asked while I still looked deeply in his eyes. I saw that he hesitated to tell me, but he couldn't keep it to himself anymore.
"That I love you. Very much. And that I am sorry.. for every moment you had doubts about that because of my actions."
I saw the emotion in his eyes. I felt that every word was coming straight from his heart. It was intense, there was just so much emotion within us.

For a second I didn't know what to answer. He noticed the way I was searching for words and tried to calm me down.

"You don't have to say anything." He caressed my cheek with his fingertips. His thumb slowly moved to the corner of my mouth, and before I knew it, I pressed a kiss on it. I took a deep breath. I was staring in his pretty eyes. They were full of hope, love and strength. It was scary for me to talk about my feelings, but he deserved to know how I felt.

"I love you too. Of course I love you too. Love was never the problem, Ben."

"I know." He whispered.

I suddenly realized how much I missed everything about him. I tried to control myself, but I started to lose that control.

"What if we'll just stop talking? For now."
I started to slowly kiss his cheek while my fingers were going through his hair.
His hand was caressing my body, and I felt his urge to remove my shirt. But I knew he didn't want to start anything I wasn't ready for.
"I dont know if this is a good idea. But let's do it." I whispered in his ear. "I need you."
Before I knew it, he was on top of me, immediately taking the lead. That was the way I used to remember him. He was always more dominant than me, but I liked it that way. However, he often was letting me taking the lead too, but he knew how much it turned me on when he did it. He only needed to look at me, and that got me feeling weak in all ways possible. He had that effect on me that no one ever had.
He kissed me slowly. I was nervous, but at the same time it felt so right. I was that familiar feeling that made it easier to control my fear.
"Are you sure." He whispered.
"Yes." I said with a certainty in my voice.
"You know, I can't stop if we're really doing this."
He looked deeply in my eyes while I felt the need of touching him and to be touched by him more than ever.
"Ben, I don't want you to stop." I pulled him closer to me.

I felt his breath on my skin, his scent awakened everything within me.
"I missed you." I whispered.
"I missed you more." He said while he started to kiss my neck. It was the best feeling. I felt so loved by him, and it turned me on so much.
His beard was tickling me, but I liked it. I couldn't help to giggle softly. It was both because of the feeling, but also because I was nervous. I didn't want to tell him that I was nervous, but he was so soft to me that I already could tell that he knew.
He took my shirt off and started to kiss my whole body. It was a sensational feeling that I couldn't put into words. I realized in that moment how much I missed him. He pressed kisses on my chest, my breasts, my belly and my hips. It brought back so many memories.
"Come here." I said while I grabbed his face. We immediately started to kiss. It was slow, but with so much passion. It was everything I missed about him in all those years. I could feel that he was ready, so I started to take off his clothes too.
He looked so good. The little amount of light that came through the curtains of the room were already enough for me to see that. I started to caress his back. It felt so intimate to hold him like that again. To be under his touch. I felt so safe and happy.

"Tell me if you don't want it anymore okay?" He whispered in my ear.
I nodded. I wanted to say that he didn't need to worry, but I still felt nervous. It was weird to feel like a teenage girl again, but that was the effect that he had on me.
His kisses went down again, my legs, my inner thighs. He kissed all the right spots.
"Ben." I moaned.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yes, come here." Was all I could manage to say.
I pulled him closer to me. "I want you."

He didn't let that say to him twice. The feeling felt familiar, yet it was different. He took it slow, and it was exactly the way I wanted it. I moaned because of the sensational feeling he was causing to me. He pressed kisses in my neck while he was still taking things slow. We both reached our climax fast, which was to expect since it has been a long time in between.

"You're so pretty. You know that right." He said after we were done.
"Actually, it helps whenever you say it. I smiled. But he could see the emotion behind my smile.
"Jennifer. You are the prettiest to me. Always was, and you always will be."
Tears were streaming down my face. He didn't say anything and was just holding me close.
Being intimate with him again made me realize there was no way for us of going back anymore.
I gave him my heart and soul again, and it was scary. Even though I knew that my heart was in good hands, we still had a lot of work to do.
He pressed a kiss on my forehead while I was lying down on my chest.
"Try to get some sleep, baby. Stop overthinking. Everything's going to be okay." He said.
And with that thought, I tried to get some sleep.

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