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I slowly opened my eyes. The little amount of light in our room made me wonder which time it was. I turned around to check, and saw that it was 8 am. Our bed felt so cozy, so I didn't hesitate to leave. Luckily I felt much better now, so I had some energy to start this day.

Ben was lying down next to me with his face to my side. I admired his adorable face as I slowly touched him with my fingertips.
Sometimes I still couldn't believe that he was mine and that he was sleeping next to me, again.
His breathing gave me a calm feeling. His right arm was wrapped around my waist, always protecting me, even when he was asleep. I softly kissed his cheek as I pulled myself closer to him to enjoy the warmth of his body. I deeply inhaled his scent and praised myself lucky to lay down next to him.

"Good morning, baby." He softly whispered as I slowly opened my eyes again.
"Good morning. I'm sorry, did I wake you up?"
He smiled at me and pressed a kiss on my forehead.
"No, you didn't. But I did feel you kissing my cheek."

I smiled at him while I pressed another kiss on his cheek.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it. You're just too adorable when you are asleep."
"Only when I'm asleep?" He asked with a curious voice.
"No, you're always adorable. But I like watching you asleep. It gives me comfort."

He smiled at me as we continued kissing each other. The passion between us grew with each kiss that was given. The excitement in our bodies was evident, as I felt how he was moving his body on top of me. My hands were caressing his shoulders and back, while I enjoyed his touches.
I knew how it turned him on when he felt my nails slightly scratching his back. His groans in my ear were sending me to higher levels, letting me know that I was doing a good job.

"Hmm, babe, we need to get up." He whispered in my ear while he was still kissing me.
"What? You can't leave me like this." I said with a slightly shocking voice.
He giggled in my ear while he moved my body on top of him. I was surprised by his move, but I definitely enjoyed his dominance. His fingertips were scratching my back as his mouth explored my chest and breasts. He took his time to fully give me the pleasure that I needed.

"Of course, I wouldn't leave you like this. I was just joking." He said in between kisses.

I smiled while my breathing was getting more heavy. It continued to amaze me how he was able to still send me these kind of shivers to my body after all those years. It didn't matter how many times I had made love to him, the passion between us was always there and never disappeared. We were always hungry for each other, ready to fully give each other the pleasure that we wanted.

The way we made love was unique, it was something I had never experienced before with any other man. Ben told me many times that he didn't experience it either with any other woman he ever dated. It was not that it was hard to believe for me, but sometimes it was hard for me to get used to the idea again that he was made just for me. We knew every little thing about each other, every little spot of each other's body, all the things that made us shiver and the things that got us week.

He knew how much I enjoyed the little kisses that he pressed behind my ear, or the way he always caressed the side of my waist.  It were his big hands that turned me on so much that it made me feel weak in my knees. Even after all these years he got that effect on me.

I felt how he slowly entered my body. I held on to his shoulders while my face was pressed in his neck, to cover my moans and gasps. He was going faster as my grip to him tightened. I felt how his right hand was caressing my right thigh, and moved it over his shoulder. I smiled as a reaction to his sudden move, clearly enjoying the way he was creating more pleasure to my body.

"You know you were made just for me, right."
He whispered in my ear, so quietly that it gave me goosebumps all over my body.

"I know." I said while I gasped.

"I'll make love to you every day.. to make up for the years that I missed doing it." He continued.

I smiled while I still enjoyed his slow thrusts. It were mostly during our making out sessions that we confessed many things to each other that we normally would be hesitated to do so.
It turned me on to know that he missed our love making sessions during the years that weren't together, however it also made me sad in a way to realize again how many time we wasted of not being together.

"You're the only one who makes me feel this way." I whispered in his ear.

He smiled while he pressed kisses on my jawline.
"Because I was made just for you." He said softly.

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