Be nice

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Finney POV
I was sitting on my bed watching Netflix when I heard my mom talking to someone all happy down stairs and then my door opened "get you ass up" my dad said snatching me up, roughly off my bed

"what is going on" I said confused as my dad pulled something out my closet and throw it at me "you're mom has a friend over who just moved in next door and she has a son and your going to be nice to him" "what why" I said but my dad just slapped me "because I said so now hurry up dinners ready."

My dad said and went downstairs I grabbed my phone after I put on the outfit my dad picked out for me and went downstairs.

And seen a lady hugging my mom and a boy on his phone not playing attention to what's happening "oh Finney meet my best friend Isabella and her son Robin" my mom said pulling me closer to them.

"hey" was all i said and Robin finally looked up from his phone and looked me in the eye he's pretty it kind of made me blush and he did the same but it looked like he just realized something and he's face dropped and he went back to being on his phone "Por el amor de Dios, Robin, baja el teléfono y saluda al chico" Isabella said taking robin's phone.

"fine hi boy" he said and then he just walked off to the dining room  "rude" I said under my breath as every one went to the dining room and i felt a hit on the back of my head it was my dad " i said be nice" he said and went to the kitchen.

I was left there just thinking why does my dad want me to be nice to a rude kid just then my started to ring it was Bruce my best friend I picked up the phone.

(btw it's 8:00 so it's dark now)

F:hey man what's up

B: hey I was wondering if you wanted to come with us we're getting high at the park

F: I don't know I'm having this stupid dinner with my mom's friend

B: ok so sneak out

F: ok but it might take awhile

B: I don't care just come on

F: ok see you later bye

I said then hung up "FINNEY" i hard my dad yelled I went into the dining room and sat down "sorry I was on the phone" i said and started to eat my dinner.

"well Robin here was just tell us about how he loves boxing" my dad said "cool I guess" i said and then I got a text it was Vance this time i went to look 'come on bro bc I'm not waiting to roll up' "shit" i said " Finney watch your mouth what's wrong " my mom said and Robin just laughed.

"nothing it's just Vance" i said "didn't think you would have friends" Robin said what's with this kid "didn't I tell you to stop hanging out with him" my mom said I didn't say anything I just ate my food then I noticed how Robin didn't even touch his food I wonder why did he think it was nasty or something I didn't think much about it.

Just then my phone went off again it was billy 'get you ass out here Vance is stuck in a tree again " i laughed and started to text him back 'let me get out of this dumb ass dinner' and send"get off your phone Finney it's rude" my dad said with a fake smile "oh so Robin can have his phone but I can't"

I said and that seems to really make him mad but I just ignored it because I know he's not going to do anything in front of anyone and that's my cue to leave or ask to leave because I would get my ass beat if I didn't.

"hey mom can I go hang out with my friends" I said "but you haven't finished your dinner or gotten to know Robin" mom said but I don't want to get to know him and I'm not hungry so let me go woman but she started to talk again.

"you know what yes" my mom said and I got up but my mom stopped me "but you have to take Robin with you" my mom said and Robin looked up from his phone "what" he said "it could be fun robin you could make some friends here "

his mom said "but mom he's not going to like what were going to do" i said "you don't know that what would you be doing" my mom said and I couldn't just say because I'm getting high she would kill me" Vance got stuck in a tree and needs my help" I said and it's not like I'm not telling the truth "fine then you're not going anywhere"

She said "what no......fine robin can come but I'm not waiting for him I need to hurry up" I said and then went up stairs but then I got another text it was Bruce saying that he was waiting for me outside and the others are waiting at the park and I told him that I'm coming now


Ok hopefully you enjoyed it and if you like this you might enjoy my other books so go check them out but Ty for reading

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