I can help you

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⚠️ mention of eating disorder⚠️

⚠️ mansions of death⚠️

3rdPOV: Finney got up out of the booth and made his way to the bathroom. "Robin are you ok I'm ready to eat-" Finney stopped talking at the sound of someone throwing up. He looked around the bedroom just to make sure nobody else was there. Then he looked down at the bottom of the stalls just to see Robin on his knees and blood dripping down from the side of the toilet. He quickly walked to the last stall and knocked "hey man you ok." Finney said but he didn't get an answer. All he hard was the toilet flushing and there were nothing but silence. -This is going to be so fucking disgusting- Finney thought as he got on the ground and slipped up under the stall now sitting in front on Robin "what the hell I could have been taking a shit or something" Robin said "i can see your dumbass on the floor which is disgusting by the way" Robin just signed and rolled his eyes "you have an eating disorder don't you" Finney said in a soft voice "no what the hell I'm fine nothing is wrong "
Robin said looking down "a girl I knew said the same thing " Finney said realizing way
"what are you talking about" Robin said annoyed "I had a friend Maya and I really liked her and she knew that it's why she knew i would do anything she asked me and not to tell anyone well except Bruce but one day at school I noticed how she wasn't eating anything then I realized I haven't seen her eat sense her parents got a divorced and she basically begged me to not say anything she told me that she was fine and nothing was wrong i didn't believe her but I wanted to respect her wishes" Finney said looking at Robin the whole time "so how is she now" Robin said quietly "she died last year...all because I did what she asked just let someone help you" Finney said "yeah will it sounds like she had an Eating disorder I don't have one" Robin said "why are you being so stubborn?" "I'm not" "so you won't mind if I tell your mom what's going on " "no you can't" "why not I'm just trying to help" "because since we moved to America she has been doing so much better it's like she over my dads death and I don't want her to worry about me just because i can't keep my food down or the fact that in throwing up in the morning"
"What if you just try eating like two or three bites and let that go down because not going to lie I'm pretty hungry I'll help you if you want" Finney said standing up and pulling Robin up with him. He unlocked the door and went over to the bathroom
sink "you want to help me why" Robin said confused "because I'm a nice person...sometimes" Finney said as he started to run warm water on robin right-hand "when we get back to my house i have some bandages in my room " Finney said and in response, Robin, just nodded they made their way back to the table where they ordered their food, and Robin did exactly what Finney said in the bathroom. He took a few bites waited a while for the food to go down and it worked and he started to feel weird but just ignored it and he couldn't finish his whole plate so after Finney was done eating they went to this abandon park and sat on the swings and talked for a few hours trying to get to know each other better than it started to rain "let's go" Finney said

Time skip 6:36pm:

In 30 minutes both boys walked into Finney's house to see Gwen on the couch "GWEN" Finney said jumping on her "FINNEY I WAS WONDERING WHEN YOU WOULD BE BACK " Gwen said as Robin just stood in the middle of the living room "why didn't you call" "when i got here my phone was dead so i to use yours and then I forgot" Gwen said laughing a bit "oh well this is mom's friend son Robin" Finney said getting on off his sister and sitting next to her "hey I'm Gwendolyn, but everyone calls me Gwen" she said with a nice smile "oh it's cool to meet you" "anything new" Finney said "umm well I cut my hair and i was talking to someone but I don't think it's going everywhere you" Gwen said "well we have to do Sunday dinner's and I'm grounded for sneaking out oh and dad got fired" Finney said " so did all those hickeys come from your new friend here or did you go to a party or something" Gwen said referring to Robin as a friend Finney looked over to Robin who was sitting next to him and laughed when he saw the embarrassing blush on his face "no I was at a party last night that's why I'm grounded" Finney said

Time skip

"I'm going to go the sleep now need to mentally prepare myself for this stupid dinner" Gwen said after hours of talking "love you Finney good night Robin" Gwen said leaving the living room"hey can we watch a movie or something " Robin said "yeah but first your knuckles let's go to my room" Finney said getting up. And going upstairs once they got to Finney's bathroom Finn pulled out alcohol and bandages "wait is that gonna to hurt" Robin said standing in front of Finney "let's see" Finney said as he picked up on the cotton balls and poured some rubbing alcohol in it then placed it on Robin's knuckles "ouch." Robin said under his breath which made Finney laugh as Finney started to wrap his hand. Robin just watched as Finney focused when the feeling from earlier came back to Robin and in response he made his other hand into a fist trying to think of something else or hoping that the pain from his nails digging into his skin, would help get his mind off of it but since Finney was looking down, helping him with his right-hand, he noticed his right hand and a fist shaking a little "dose it hurt that much" Finney said "ummm no I'm fine" Robin said as Finney finished and picked up nail clippers "what are you doing" Robin said "you need to get out of the habit of digging your nails in to your skin" Finney said as he started to clipped Robin's nails "ok let's go Finney said "what movie" Robin said as he walked to Finney's bed picking up the remote.  Finney stood in front of his closet and took his shirt off and threw it in the open door next to him then walked over to his dresser to get a hoodie all while Robin watches him Finney threw on his hoodie covering his nearly visible abs "ummm anything with Margot Robbie" Finney said jumping in bed "why..."Robin said laughing a bit "because she's hot....and a great actress" Finney said "ok suicide squad then" Robin said getting comfortable in the bed as well. 40 minutes into the movie and the same feeling came back to Robin's he started to pick at the bandages on his right hand Finney noticed and gently put Robin's hand on his leg holding Robin's hand and that obviously didn't help Robin -fuck it- Robin thought as he kissed Finney which lasted 30 seconds "you just kissed me " Finney said as Robin pulled away but was still close to the other boy "sorry i just-" "don't be I'm ok with it" Finney said then kissed robin soon the kiss turned into them fully making out on Finney's bed "hold on this is like an one time thing I'm not gay or anything" Robin said  "that's the dumbest shit i ever heard" Finney said with an straight face then kissed Robin again but this time robin pulled Finn on top of his body but after a minute or two there was a knock at the front door and it scared the shit out of robin which made him jump "what the hell why'd you jump like that" Finney said getting off of him "the noise scared me" Robin said as they both went to the front door Finn opened it just to see their mom's "you been gone for a while" Finn said as they both walked into the house "yeah well unlike you i don't need permission" Finney's mom said "sorry for sneaking out" Finney said "it's fine you boys had fun today" savanna said "ummm you could say that" Finney said "on my gosh your neck are you ok" Robins mom said to Finney which made both of the boys laugh "yeah I'm good there just hickeys mrs. Arellano" Finney said "oh well that's a relief....and you can call me aunt Isabela" Isabela said "oh cool I guess" Finney said "ok well me and Robin need to get home now see you guys tomorrow night" Isabela said opening the door again "oh good night robin love and to you to Isabela" savanna,
said goodbye as the door closed
"Ok well I'm going to bed" Finney said turning around but was stop by a hand on his wrist turning him back around "you know we have the dinner tomorrow tonight right" savanna said "yeah I do" Finney said in a obvious tone " listen here I'm not joking this dinner has to be perfect if you father flips out I might have to kick him out I lose my best friend so I need you to..."
"Need me to do what" Finney said pulling his arm back " you need to make sure you don't say or do anything that would upset your dad your dad is already upset that your sister is here and that he lost his job" "oh so you know dad lost his job he was scared you would kick him out"  "yeah I know he lost his job we live in the same house and I will kick him out if he doesn't get his act together with how he treats you" Finney's mom said "cool can I go to sleep now" "as long as you understand how tomorrow needs to go" "yeah mom I do now good night" Finney said walking away "remember your still grounded" Finney's heard his mom say before he plopped down in his bed and got under the covers he turned his TV off, and both Finney and Robin went to sleep with the thought of each other on their mind.


I'm sorry if it's too long I'll try to publish again whenever I can and hope you enjoy

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