You can have him

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3rd POV

"Wait h-how...what do you know" Robin said squinting his eyebrow as his eyes followed Finney's every move.

"I don't know anything but it's obvious something is happening between you and that Anna girl" Finney says as he turns on the lights and then going into his closet.

"Nothing is happening" Robin said as he got out of the bed "I'm giving you a chance to tell me the truth ... if you lie to me again and tell me nothing is going on then I'll just ask your friend myself "

Finney's says as he came out of the closet stoping in front of Robin.

"I wouldn't call her a friend more of an acquaintance" Finney just let out a sigh and rolled his eyes "we're going" Finney says as he walks into his bedroom and closed the door.

40 minutes later


The first thing Finney did when he got to the party was look for Anna

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The first thing Finney did when he got to the party was look for Anna. "Finn wait" Robin said as he tried to keep up with his boyfriend.

Just as Finney walked into to the kitchen giving up Robin grabbed his hand "hey why don't we just find Vance and Bruce" Robin said "later"
Finney says grabbing a bottle of beer.

"Oh hey Robin" a girl voice says from behind the couple.

Since Finney was in front of Robin he could see who she was "Anna right" Finney said pointing to her but keeping his elbow to his side
letting go of Robin's hand.

"Umm yeah...your Finney Robin talks so much about you" Anna says "that's weird he's never talked about you" "umm" Robin says as he nervously

"anyway I was wondering if I could borrow Robin from you for a moment" "can I ask you a question first" "yeah anything" Anna says annoyed, but with a smile feeling jealous,

"what do you and Robin do when you guys 'hang out' " Finney says as Robin signals to Anna not to say anything.

Anna takes a second to think of what to say "other than having s** talk shit about you" Anna says with a smile.

Finney slowly node's his head and looked behind him to Robin. Then back at the girl in front of him "well lucky for you there's no need to borrow him you can have him we just broke up" Finney says before going into the crowd to the stairs.

"The fuck is wrong with you!" Robin says to Anna "what's wrong is that it took y'all so long to brake up....let's go make out in a corner or something"
Anna said taking Robins hand

Robin didn't respond he just took his hand back and went upstairs looking through every room until he found Finney.

"Finn I didn't- I'm so sorry I promise i didn't mean " Robin couldn't even finish his sentence Seeing Finney crying on some bed

"at this point something has to be wrong with you... ever since we got together I've been trying so hard to make sure you were okay.

[Finney says wiping his eyes]

I was there for you when you needed to talk about your dad or mom even some times my dad I was even there when you cheated on me the first time .

[Finney says dropping the beer bottle]

I gave you a second chance I stayed even when we couldn't have s** I even tried helping you with your fucking eating disorder I listened to every fucking problem you've had since we met...and what do I get you cheating on me again!!! You lying straight my face!!! And you ignoring me for some bitch you barely even know!!"

Finney yelled as angry tears rolled down his face

"Finn I'm sorry I didn't mean for this to happen I was-" " you're not sorry cause if I didn't find out to night then what" "I tried to stop it I didn't want to sleep with her" "how long have you-...just how long have this been going on" "since I got back from Mexico but it's not what you think she was blackmailing me" "with what" Finney says folding his arms

"A uhh video of me and her" "you're such a piece of shit Robin... I really fucking hate you"

With that Finney left the room Robin followed not knowing why but trying to stop him.

Robin stopped when he seen Finney walking into a dark red lit room with Ben holding the door open and seeing Vance Bruce and Ethan inside. It was obvious they were all doing drugs.

Finney POV

"What's wrong with you" Bruce said "and why are you so late I told Ben to call you like 45 minutes ago" Vance said as i sat on the couch next to Ethan who looked like he was having the best high of his life.

"Sorry umm me and Robin got in a fight" I said rubbing my face "oh what happened" Bruce said "he...nothing it's not important you got a blunt" i said looking up at Ben "yeah you know I do"

🫢 sorry for any mistakes

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